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Simon Williams



Simon WilliamsSimon started his Veterinary Nursing career at in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps in 2010 as a Veterinary Technician. He began at the Veterinary Hospital at the Defence Animal Training Regiment, a busy mixed and equine and canine vet practice, where he gained much of his early experience.

The early years of his military career were spent in deployable units with circa 120 military working dogs.  This laid the foundation for his skills and knowledge of emergency and trauma care.  The middle part of his military career was spent working in equine practice in London with approx. 310 military horses.  In the latter part of his military career, he held various managerial positions within the military veterinary sphere and specialised in equipment and infrastructure management and animal welfare governance.

Simon left the Military in February 2024 and has since worked in civilian practice.  He is currently employed as a Head Nurse in a small animal practice.

VN Council Member category

  • Elected 2023 - 2026

Committee membership

  • Veterinary Nurses Council
  • Diversity and Inclusion group

Declaration of interests



Relevant financial interests, eg shareholdings, bonds and derivatives




Appointments to other bodies


Membership of other veterinary or allied organisations

British Veterinary Nursing Association - member


Currently employed as Head Nurse in a CVS Small Animal practice.

Qualifications (other than veterinary qualifications listed in the Register)

Level 5 Certificate in Leadership 

Level 4 Diploma in Leadership and Management (CMI) 

Level 3 Apprenticeship in Equine Management

Interests relating to immediate family or close friends


Other relevant information
