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Paddy Gordon


Paddy Gordon, RCVS Council election candidate 2025 Candidate 6 of 20

Proposers: Susan Cunningham, Andrew Curwen

Contact details

Address Pilton Hill House, Crissways Lane, North Wootton, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4HN

T 01749 341 761

M 07967 364 277

E [email protected]


Candidate biography

After qualifying (Cambridge 1991) I spent two years in mixed practice, then committed to farm animal with an RVC Residency. I gained much from senior colleagues, passing my RCVS Certificate. In 2000 I settled in Somerset buying into a mixed independent, and founding XLVets practice, Shepton Vets. For 24 years I have balanced farm clinical work with practice management during a period of significant change and growth (from 7 vets to now over 60 staff). I now work part-time in a clinical role after transferring ownership to my colleagues and am seeking to contribute more widely to the profession through RCVS Council.

I have been fortunate to have had support in my professional development from novice (no farming background) to senior vet and business owner. I have supported others in the profession, serving on BCVA Committee (widening delivery of education) and delivering CPD with BCVA and the RVC. Work as dairy standards advisor to Tesco and as Director of Farmcare West (TB quality and delivery) have taught me the importance of clear objectives, organisation and communication.

Married, now with 3 adult children, built own house completing in 2020; Labrador, cat, rare breed sheep. Interests include Bath Rugby, Glastonbury Festival.

Candidate statement 

Why do you want to stand to be a member of RCVS Council?

RCVS must provide the right framework ensuring effective training and career structures are available.

Clinical Education and EMS. First-opinion experience in clinical education is paramount. Students should have a consistent, high-quality experience during their placements and to achieve this, a base practice is required with a longer-term relationship and named contact, providing both clinical and personal support. A reduced EMS commitment of 30 weeks necessitates a more active approach to maximise learning opportunities and practice clinical decision making. Practitioners need education training and vet schools should be providing this.

CPD requirements. We need an effective framework for vets. Vet GDP is required but with more simplicity and less bureaucracy. CPD reflection needs to be the starting point so vets identify their required skillsets. CPD recorded must include all inputs – self-directed study, external courses, working under supervision – to acquire and document proficiency, saving time for vets and money for practices.

Career structures. We need a framework for career development from acquisition of clinical skills to senior roles.

Practice Standards Scheme. Assurance schemes should emphasise good practice and identify outcome measures.

With an effective framework the RCVS can build wider public trust and respect for our profession.

What do you think you can bring to RCVS Council?

I am a committed professional with wide practice experience. I want an RCVS that clearly and effectively directs vets education throughout their career and improves the overall standing of the profession.

When a new practice partner I brought in external business advice. A key aspect learned was to identify our core practice and personal values and these have wider relevance:

Dedication – committing to the task ahead. I will support approaches that produce new vets with the necessary skills, including better use of EMS.

Excellence – working to appropriate clinical standards. I will work with RCVS Council to create better career structures for individuals and tools to support and demonstrate practice standards.

Empathy – I have always put patient and clients first. To maintain wide public respect we must demonstrate our patients and clients best interests remain central.

Professional – I am always aware of our need to balance context and affordability. The RCVS needs to enforce checks and balances that maintains professional standing and avoids reliance on external inputs.

Community – As a practice owner I have supported all practice members in their roles. Our profession needs to reflect wider society and fully utilise the skills of our support teams.

What relevant experience do you have?

Wide experience from 30 years in first opinion mixed practice. I know the pressures vets work under – clinical skills, client demands, personal development and ever changing requirements of veterinary practice.

Business ownership required a high level of personal organisation to balance a clinical role alongside managing and leading the practice through considerable change. I am proud of the changes made that have valued the people in the practice and looked to adapt, empower and support vets and support staff in their own roles and personal career developments.

Education experience from working with Bristol and Surrey vet schools delivering undergraduate rotations for up to 5 students per week. I devised and support a preclinical EMS opportunity on a large dairy that now provides placements to 55 students annually. In 2023 I relaunched Farm Vet of the Future competition for vet students, recognising those committing to farm practice.

Regulatory and standards experience from working with Tesco as an independent vet on dairy standards. Work involved setting standards and monitoring performance. Work with pharmaceutical company on medicine development including medicine trial work. Current role as Deputy Principal vet for Farmcare West working with APHA on delivery and standards of Government work.

Is there anything else you would like to add in support of your candidacy?

I stood as an RCVS Council candidate in 2024 as I felt that the direction and management of the veterinary profession is best carried out by its own elected members. I am concerned reductions in EMS requirements will reduce new graduate experience, especially for farm practice.

I am standing again as I believe I can bring grassroots experience and support to our RCVS to help us, its members, to build a better profession and wider public trust and respect. I want to be a part of that change and received 1612 of your votes in 2024. 1747 votes were required to be elected. I was interviewed in 2024 for a role on a Vet GDP and CPD Committee but was unsuccessful. I also participated in an RCVS focus group meeting on VCCP.

I hope to have your vote in standing for Council in 2025.