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Dr Richard Hillman


Dr Richard Hillman, RCVS Council election candidate 2025 Candidate 9 of 20

Proposers: Julian Rishworth, Dr Richard Stephenson

Contact details 


Address Chateau d’Ales, Impasse du Chateau, Lamothe d’Ales, 47800 Lavergne, France

M 0033 610 977 161

E [email protected]

Candidate biography 

First opinion veterinary practice in clinical and management roles. Mostly small animal but periods of large animal and equine practice.

Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS). Supporting and promoting vets in practice. Served as UK national president of SPVS.

Member of IVC Evidensia Clinical Board. Led the working party developing protocols of care for small animal primary care vets.

External examiner in professional studies for Bristol vet school.

3 year career break to focus on family.

Certificate holder in Veterinary Anaesthesia and period of Advanced Practitioner status. (AP status currently relinquished as irrelevant to current employment).

Part time locum work in small animal practice.

Candidate statement 

Why do you want to stand to be a member of RCVS Council?

I am passionate about veterinary practice.

I work part-time in small animal first opinion practice. I feel and understand the tensions that you live and work with every day. Being a vet is a tough ask. You have to balance the tensions of your moral, ethical and responsibility to every patient you see with the demands of owners, the needs and wants of your employer and your own sense of professionalism and career development. You often have to do all of this in a sub optimal environment due to the constraints of the resources of the client and the practice you are working in. I have suffered and survived serious mental health issues and I understand the stress that your professional responsibility puts you under.

I would like you to vote for me to be elected to RCVS Council because I know you need someone like me to explain to others, on Council and elsewhere, what it feels like in first opinion practice. Other Council members may not understand the pressure you are under. I can put the context of your daily life into the discussions and decisions Council makes so that the RCVS works to support you.

What do you think you can bring to RCVS Council?

If elected as a Councillor for the RCVS I will bring:

My passion and dedication to the profession which it is a privilege to be a member of.

My love of first opinion practice.

My compassion for the patients who we advocate for and who put their trust in our professionalism.

My understanding of the commitment of clients when they present their animals for treatment.

My empathy for all members of the College and the need for them to have their voice heard.

My energy to tirelessly see projects through to their conclusion.

My comprehension and reasoning to understand the complex concepts that the College has to deal with.

My honesty and integrity to do the right thing no matter what the cost.

My loyalty to the ideals and regulations of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

What relevant experience do you have?

As a practitioner: Deep understanding of how both private corporately owned practices operate. Clinical, management and team working skills, leadership, training and mentoring. Explain and contextualise the complexity of life as a practicing vet to those who may not understand the competing forces of personal morals, professional ethics and the economics of clients and practices.

As a vet school external examiner: Ability to listen to people with greater knowledge and experience whilst retaining the strength of character to challenge where appropriate. Insights into how higher education is organised with a systematic application of fairness and equality.

As a SPVS Councillor and President: Extensive experience of promoting vets in practice, working in committees, liaising with other vet and government bodies. Developing programs of support for new graduates.

As a member of IVC Evidensia Clinical Board. Led the working party developing protocols of care for small animal primary care vets.

Period of poor mental health showed me the importance of self-care and the need to care for each other.

A career break to focus on family has helped me to better understand the values of work: life balance and the need for contentment and happiness alongside personal and professional development.

Is there anything else you would like to add in support of your candidacy?

I am passionate about veterinary practice and it would be an honour for me to represent you and serve on RCVS Council.

Being a Member of the RCVS is the greatest privilege of my life and I wish all Members to feel good, content and happy with their membership and the role it plays in their professional and private life.

If elected to serve on Royal College Council I will work tirelessly to promote and represent the needs and wants of practitioners whilst upholding the values and regulations of the College.

Candidate answer to question from the profession

Question: Given the huge variation in the needs of vets: in private practice, learning institutes, corporate owned practices, independent owned practices, employment, and differing models of ownership… how well equipped do you feel to listen to, and give a voice to, that whole population of vets experiencing such differing challenges?

Answer: I feel very well equipped to listen, and give a voice, to the whole spectrum of veterinary opinions.

During my career I have worked in many areas of UK veterinary medicine and have come into contact with the full range of experiences and opinions. I do not subscribe to any stereotype or self interest group. I am empathic, patient and good at listening.

We face a challenging and difficult future as we adapt to the needs of evolving regulation. I strongly believe that I can, and will, balance the needs of retaining the best of our traditional values whilst adopting the needs of the profession and the communities we serve.

I have an open mindset. I hold strong opinions, which I am prepared to defend forthrightly but I also have an open mindset so that I am able to adapt and compromise where necessary.

I know I can do this job. If you vote for me I won’t let you, your patients or the profession down.