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- Dr Lara Wilson
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Dr Lara Wilson
Candidate 20 of 20
Proposers: Amanda Boag, Dr Niall Connell
Contact details
Candidate biography
I grew up in Scotland and the Seychelles before graduating from Glasgow in 1996. For seven years I worked in mixed practices in Northern Ireland, then joined Vets Now first in Belfast, and then as a District Vet, supporting clinics in Scotland and in South-East England. This role emphasised the value and complexity of team working and allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of our partner practices, their concerns and aspirations. Alongside working shifts I provided clinical training, mentoring and support to clinic teams.
In 2020, during lockdown, I moved to the Pet Emergency hospital in Glasgow, leading the OOH Team and supporting rotating interns. I gained an understanding of referral practice and developed my teaching skills.
I started as a Regional Clinical Lead at CVS in 2022, providing clinical support in quality improvement and team development.
I believe in and have demonstrated a Growth Mindset. I have an MBA from the Open University and I am studying for a Masters in Applied Linguistics with the University of Birmingham.
I live in the city of Armagh with my husband, our four children, a pony and a scruffy schnauzer. My professional interests are emergency medicine, relationship-centred clinical care and communication.
Candidate statement
Why do you want to stand to be a member of RCVS Council?
I aspire to enhance the quality of communication within and about the profession.
I am a passionate advocate for our profession. I respect and appreciate the work already being done by the RCVS – there is still a need for improvement. I believe in upholding standards for our patients and clients; this can be done well by a regulator with compassion as well as rigour.
I have an interest in clear and precise communication, an area where the RCVS has not always excelled.
In 2019 the profession recognised that it needed to address the issue of social mobility, I am disappointed to see little improvement since. I have a strong desire to learn and develop and believe that we should help others to achieve, never pulling up ladders behind us, but extending a hand. The 2024 survey of the veterinary profession is a call to action to which I am responding. I can and do make a difference to the profession in my everyday role, I now want to have a larger influence on how we work and relate to each other, our clients and our patients.
This is a volatile and uncertain time within the profession. I can help.
What do you think you can bring to RCVS Council?
I am a corporate employee however, I am firstly a veterinary surgeon and that is the basis on which I would serve on Council. I have a strong moral compass standing up for my principles and values. Today, the majority of vets – 51% – work within corporate practice, however, these numbers are not reflected in the make-up of the Council, as new regulations and Veterinary Surgeons Act are developed, it is important that the views of employed corporate vets are taken into account.
The numbers of vets in Scotland and Northern Ireland are also not currently reflected in the make-up of the Council and they face different challenges to more densely populated, urban areas. I can bring the benefit of my experience in both areas to ensure balanced consideration.
I value compassionate leadership, being honest, whilst being kind. I am comfortable challenging in a constructive and respectful manner. I ask questions and expect answers.
I have a sound understanding of and interest in, the Code of Conduct. I have ‘lived’ the on-call life, worked in dedicated OOH, primary-care and referral practice.
What relevant experience do you have?
I am approaching 30 continuous years in practice, excepting maternity leave. I have an excellent knowledge of the Code of Conduct, sharing and clarifying it to others in my role as mentor.
I have wide experience of decision-making in practice, analysing information, deciding on best action, creating and editing clinical guidelines and non-clinical policies including resolving complaints.
I have effectively participated in boardrooms and committees in both corporate practice and voluntary organisations, including the BVA and the Vet Trust; organising conferences and support materials, working as an engaged team member to achieve our goals. I have experience in independent and corporate practice as well as experience of transitioning between the two whilst an employee. I will bring this experience with me to support the work of the RCVS.
I have worked in practices in Scotland, Northern Ireland and England; mixed, small animal, independent, corporate, referral and dedicated out of hours. I understand the worry of returning to work after a career break and my experiences combined with the work I do with new/recent graduates means I truly understand the challenges faced by many sectors of our profession.
I am committed to my values of honesty, fairness and mutual respect.
Is there anything else you would like to add in support of your candidacy?
I am honest, hardworking and reliable. I will uphold the principles of the profession, always striving to reach the best achievable outcome whilst building strong and effective relationships.