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Dr Danielle Greenberg

BA (Hons) Oxon BVSc MRCVS

Dr Danielle Greenberg, RCVS Council election candidate 2025Candidate 7 of 20

Proposers: Dr Ellen Singer, Dr Ian Stroud

Contact details

E [email protected]

W @theliverpoolvets

Candidate biography

Thank you for reading, let me introduce myself:

I am a dedicated 1st opinion Vet. Since graduating from Liverpool, I’ve spent the last 27 years in clinical practice: mixed, OV, small, independent, corporate, university, charity and locum.

From starting as a volunteer cleaning kennels to opening my own practice, and from struggling to get into Vet school to winning Petplan Vet of the Year. I feel privileged to be a member of the RCVS.

Although I failed my surgery certificate, my Head Nurse would say I can efficiently and gently spay any dog that comes through the door. Although I built a profitable practice, I have always given back: I helped establish The Merseyside Dog Safety Partnership, which works to reduce dog bites, and with Care For The Paw, who assist dogs belonging to homeless people. Until his passing very recently, I shared my home with a gorgeous Staffyx who was given up by such a gentleman.

I’ve been a single parent, a mentor, manager and am a perpetual student of life. Optimist, opinionated and brave when needed, I have learned to listen, to reflect and to speak out.

It would be an honour to represent you.

Candidate statement 

Why do you want to stand to be a member of RCVS Council?

As control of our working lives becomes concentrated in ever fewer and non-clinical hands, with the CMA probing, public confidence wavering, it’s vital that our challenges and reputation has a strong clinical voice. I want to be part of that voice.

My ‘manifesto’ is word count limited, but includes:

The EMS system is outdated. It’s a disservice to students and time challenged clinical staff. I believe that clinical exposure should be delivered within term time by specifically trained colleagues.

Day One skills are not working universally in practice. I would strive to highlight and evolve strategies to identify what new grads really need to succeed. I have no doubt that this would improve wellbeing, career progression and retention.

Labels such as ‘farm assured’ need scrutiny. I want the RCVS to work with relevant bodies to revise and evolve these policies, to create clear credible concepts for consumers which champion animal welfare.

Welfare in transport to and at slaughter is one of our most important roles. Having worked in abattoirs, I want to be part of a robust process that monitors and improves the lives of the voiceless for whom we are ultimately responsible.

What do you think you can bring to RCVS Council?

Commitment - The unwavering belief that being a Vet is a fantastic career, and the solid commitment to promote and protect that for all members.

Experience – After nearly three decades, I believe I can honestly advocate for colleagues on the front line of Veterinary practice. I know the challenges and am keen to guide solutions.

A female voice – in a female dominated profession. Be it equal pay, pregnancy at work, returning after maternity leave, menopause, being a VMWO (Vet Mum Who Owns) a clinic and juggling kids with work.

Solutions – I will drive discussion to action.

Task management – I’m able to swiftly assimilate and digest new information, to form coherent opinions, to translate complex concepts into key points and to articulate them with clarity and conviction.

Marketing and Media – I can create, curate and promote information through channels such as Instagram to enable effective communication within the profession and to the public beyond.

Team work – the ability to listen, to reflect, to represent, to speak up and to lead when needed.

Time – having recently stepped back from the clinic, I now have the time to dedicate to this important work.

What relevant experience do you have?

Clinical – 27 years in clinical work. I’ve been an employee and an employer. I have felt keenly the stressors in practice and worked to reduce them for myself and my team.

Life – I have tried, failed, fallen and picked myself up repeatedly. I have been sacked, divorced, faced cancer, financial insecurity and infertility. I have succeeded, been promoted, won awards and run a successful business.

Managerial – I started a business with two credit cards, ran clinic-building, built and rebuilt clinical teams. I have faced harsh criticism and mentored colleagues who have gone on to great things. I have employed new and recent grads and seen the challenges they and the clinic face. I get things done.

Business acumen – I understand the levers that generate profit, and the pressure on teams and clients caused by creating it.

I have set up, worked with and for charities.

Marketing & Media – I have experience in Veterinary PR. I built an Instagram following of over 7000 and managed the clinic’s PR, growing a significant bonded clientele. I have written for a magazine, presented to students, to medics on dog bites, and been a TV Vet.

Candidate answer to question from the profession

Question: Will you unequivocally resist any move away from an elected council to an appointed one?

Answer: If elected I would unequivocally support the continuation of democratically elected Vets for Council.

As the only female/mum standing who it appears has set up a practice from scratch, I’m encouraged to see that my candidate colleagues represent so many aspects of practicing Vet work from University, locum, charity, corporate, independent, start-ups and partners.

RCVS members, in this election, have the opportunity to choose between many front-line clinicians who truly reflect the diverse experience of practicing Vets today. We must not succumb to lobbyist pressures, industry interests and career administrators. Evolve we must, but we must also remain able to steer that evolution democratically.