- Council Members
- Role of Council Members
- Council meetings
- Council elections
- Previous election results
- Dr Louise Allum
- Dr Sam Bescoby
- Dr Andrew Clemence
- Dr Tshidi Gardiner
- Dr Reginald Godwin
- Paddy Gordon
- Dr Danielle Greenberg
- Dr Gerard Henry
- Dr Richard Hillman
- Dr Benjamin Kennedy
- Dr Tom Lonsdale
- Dr Darren Partridge
- Martin Peaty
- Alison Price
- Dr Peter Robinson
- Dr Jennifer Simmons
- Dr Sadie Spencer
- Dr Mary Thomas
- William Wilkinson
- Dr Lara Wilson
- Past-Presidents
- About extra-mural studies (EMS)
- EMS requirements
- Information for vet students
- Information for EMS providers
- Information for vet schools
- Temporary EMS requirements
- Practice by students - regulations
- Health and safety on EMS placements
- EMS contacts and further guidance
- Extra-mural studies fit for the future
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses
- Contact the Advice Team
- XL Bully dog ban
- 'Under care' - new guidance
- Advice on Schedule 3
- Controlled Drugs Guidance – A to Z
- Dealing with Difficult Situations webinar recordings
- FAQs – Common medicines pitfalls
- FAQs – Routine veterinary practice and clinical veterinary research
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- GDPR – RCVS information and Q&As
- 2022-008 Outcomes in cats with colorectal large or intermediate cell lymphoma treated with mass resection and/or medical treatment
- 2022-020 Prospective evaluation of LA size and function in a population of apparently healthy cats
- 2022-025 Outcome of thermokeratoplasty for treatment of corneal ulcerations in dogs
- 2022-029 An up-to-date review of cases of feline hypoadrenocorticism diagnosed in referral centres in the UK and Europe
- 2022-058 Outcomes of surgically and conservatively managed thoracolumbosacral intervertebral disc herniation in cats
- 2022-067 Echocardiographic findings in Sphynx cats with and without the ALMS1 variant
- 2022-089 Observational Study of Hill’s Feline Neoplasia Support Diet
- 2022-132 Radiographic appearance of urethral tears in cats
- 2022-156 Unravelling the mystery: MRI of feline chronic biliary tract disease - a pilot study to develop and use MRI to image the biliary tract in the cat
Cats and dogs
- 2022-002 Retrospective analysis of neurological and cognitive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury in dogs and cats
- 2022-022 Prevalence and clinical relevance of hypercobalaminaemia in dogs and cats undergoing medical investigations at a UK veterinary referral hospital
- 2022-053 Effect of the administration of the non-ionic iodinated contrast agent iohexol in the urine specific gravity, dipstick, cytology and urine culture in dogs and cats. A prospective study
- 2022-084 Tracheal resection and anastomosis in dogs and cats: a 12-year (2009-2022) multi-centre retrospective study
- 2022-096 Survey about management of diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats
- 2022-148 Risk factors for the development of post-operative gastrointestinal dysfunction following abdominal surgery in small animals
- 2022-150 Evaluation of dental health in cats and dogs fed a variety of foods using owners and blinded veterinarians to do the dental scoring
- 2022-005 Clinical outcome of Pugs and French Bulldogs with thoracolumbar spinal deformities treated with spinal stabilization using 3D printed patient specific drill guides
- 2022-009 Causes of hypoxia/hypoxaemia in dogs presented to referral - a retrospective study
- 2022-012 Reusable versus disposable drapes: does their use affect post-operative wound complication rates in routine surgeries?
- 2022-018 The utility of CSF analysis in achieving a final diagnosis in dogs presenting for pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO)
- 2022-019 Urethropexy for the treatment of urethral prolapse in dogs; A retrospective study
- 2022-023 Prevalence of respiratory signs in dogs with chronic gastroenteropathy
- 2022-024 Oestradiol-17b as a biomarker for uterine health in thoroughbred broodmares – A pilot study
- 2022-028 Incidence of post-operative fibrinous uveitis in dogs undergoing phacoemulsification: comparing pseudophakia to elective aphakia
- 2022-040 Evaluation of interdevice agreement between two thromboelastography assays (TEG5000 and TEG6s) in kaolin-activated canine whole blood samples: a prospective validation study
- 2022-041 Outcome following marsupialisation for the management of sublingual salivary mucoceles (ranulas)
- 2022-050 Meloxicam in combination with mitoxantrone or vinblastine as first-line treatment for urothelial cell carcinoma in dogs
- 2022-055 Dermoid sinuses of the head in 6 dogs
- 2022-063 Canine Jugular Foramen Syndrome due to intracranial lesions of the combined glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerve roots diagnosed with computed tomography
- 2022-070 Retrospective evaluation of factors predisposing the formation of urate uroliths in patients diagnosed with congenital hepatic vascular anomalies
- 2022-082 Para-aural abscessation following total ear canal ablation in dogs: association with the presence of epithelial remnants, diagnosis and management options
- 2022-086 Use of an MRI-safe thermal blanket to prevent hypothermia in anaesthetized dogs undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- 2022-087 Comparison of the outcome of dogs undergoing hiatal hernia repair with and without use of a gastropexy: X cases (2012-2022)
- 2022-098 Prevalence of mineralisation between the tympanic bulla and hyoid bone in dogs with and without ear disease
- 2022-100 Evaluation of coagulation in dogs with non-associative immune-mediated polyarthritis using viscoelastic testing (VCM)
- 2022-101 Dimensions and location of the caudal lumbar and first sacral canine dorsal root ganglia (DRG) by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- 2022-106 Sedative and cardiovascular effects of oral transmucosal acepromazine in healthy dogs
- 2022-113 Surgical treatment, prognosis and outcome of dogs treated for rectal plasmacytomas
- 2022-123 Case series antebrachial growth deformity and pancarpal arthrodesis using 3D printed guides and custom implants
- 2022-124 A novel, single-staged technique for preputial reconstruction following resection of malignant tumours in the dog
- 2022-127 Computed Tomographic characteristics of the craniomandibular osteopathy in dogs
- 2022-129 Intraoperative measurement of soft tissue tension in canine total hip arthroplasty
- 2022-131 Management, treatment, prognosis and long term outcome of dogs treated for scapulohumeral (shoulder) luxations
- 2022-135 A retrospective analysis of the dose:effect response of glycopyrrolate in the management of anaesthetic-related bradycardia in dog
- 2022-141 Coagulation status in dogs naturally infected with angiostrongylus vasorum assessed by VCM vet
- 2022-144 The use of endovascular gastrointestinal anastomosis (Endo-GIA) staplers to perform functional end-to-end intestinal anastomosis in cats and small dogs: a retrospective study
- 2022-151 Efficacy of total plasma exchange as first line treatment for non-associative immune mediated haemolytic anaemia – prospective study
- 2022-068 Effect of Colic Surgery on Plasma Ammonia Concentrations
- 2022-093 Management of horses with suspected large colon displacement (LCD)
- 2022-095 Biomarkers for placental health in Thoroughbred broodmares presenting with placentitis
- 2022-109 Reference ranges for urine specific gravity in foals
- 2022-120 Investigation of the sensitivity and specificity of neck radiographs for detection of pathology of the articular process joints of the neck
- 2022-122 Comparison of Oxychlorosene (CLEANTRAX®) solution and 2% Iodine Tincture Solution
- 2022-126 A study investigating the degree of intervertebral foramen narrowing and spinal nerve compression in normal horses
- 2022-013 Study of the factors affecting weight gain in preweaned calves
- 2022-134 A bulk milk bTB surveillance study with the Enferplex bTB Antibody Test in United Kingdom dairy herds
- 2022-153 The prevalence, biosecurity and management risks of coronavirus infections in ‘veal’ calf rearing farms in Europe- UK part
- 2022-064 Small animal owners’ perceptions of veterinary attire in the United Kingdom
- 2022-069 In-Practice Determination of Tidal Volumes in Rabbits
- 2022-072 Schwartz Rounds in a UK Veterinary Practice: An evaluation
- 2022-088 Investigation of the impact of TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) teamwork improvement concept on patient safety culture in veterinary practice- a pilot study
- 2022-090 A survey of sustainability policies and practices at veterinary centers in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
- 2022-105 Establishment of the maximum volume of positive contrast medium that can be administered in psittacines without artificially dilate the proventriculum: a cadaveric study
- 2022-108 Utility of machine learning for the recognition of nasal pathology in dogs and cats
- 2022-111 Patterns of antibiotic purchasing by companion animal veterinary hospitals in Canada, United Kingdom and United States of America (2019 to 2021)
- 2022-112 A study into the factors affecting long-term antimicrobial administration from a veterinarian and owner perspective
- 2022-114 Antibiotic amnesty: understanding why owners may have leftover antibiotics and supporting their appropriate disposal
- 2022-037 Types of conditions and symptoms seen in the veterinary video telemedicine smartphone application Joii Petcare: a clinical audit
- 2022-039 Climate change and sustainable veterinary practice: An electronic survey of the attitudes and practices of practicing veterinary surgeons in the UK