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Charter Case Committee

The Charter Case Committee is an independent committee set up in July 2023 under the Royal Charter of 2015. It allows for the alternative resolution of certain cases where it is not in the public interest for the matter to be referred to a hearing of the Disciplinary Committee.

The Committee Protocol allows for the alternative resolution of certain cases where a registrant has engaged in behaviour that could amount to serious professional misconduct (or disgraceful conduct in a professional sense) or been convicted of an offence, but where it is not in the public interest for the matter to be referred to a hearing of the Disciplinary Committee.

The Charter Case Committee can consider and resolve cases referred to it by the Preliminary Investigation Committee or the RVN Preliminary Investigation Committee without the need for a public hearing and can impose either a confidential or a public warning. 

More information can be viewed on the following:


Committee Clerk

Athena Christodoulou (T 020 7227 3508, E [email protected])