- Council Members
- Role of Council Members
- Council meetings
- Council elections
- Previous election results
- Dr Louise Allum
- Dr Sam Bescoby
- Dr Andrew Clemence
- Dr Tshidi Gardiner
- Dr Reginald Godwin
- Paddy Gordon
- Dr Danielle Greenberg
- Dr Gerard Henry
- Dr Richard Hillman
- Dr Benjamin Kennedy
- Dr Tom Lonsdale
- Dr Darren Partridge
- Martin Peaty
- Alison Price
- Dr Peter Robinson
- Dr Jennifer Simmons
- Dr Sadie Spencer
- Dr Mary Thomas
- William Wilkinson
- Dr Lara Wilson
- Past-Presidents
- About extra-mural studies (EMS)
- EMS requirements
- Information for vet students
- Information for EMS providers
- Information for vet schools
- Temporary EMS requirements
- Practice by students - regulations
- Health and safety on EMS placements
- EMS contacts and further guidance
- Extra-mural studies fit for the future
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses
- Contact the Advice Team
- XL Bully dog ban
- 'Under care' - new guidance
- Advice on Schedule 3
- Controlled Drugs Guidance – A to Z
- Dealing with Difficult Situations webinar recordings
- FAQs – Common medicines pitfalls
- FAQs – Routine veterinary practice and clinical veterinary research
- FAQs – Advertising of practice names
- GDPR – RCVS information and Q&As
Updating your practice information
Find out when you might need to update your practice information and how to do it.
It’s important to update your information if there is a change to your practice premises. Circumstances where you’ll need to update your information include:
- moving to a new practice premises,
- opening or acquiring a new premises,
- changes to your accreditations,
- changes to your premises,
- closing a practice premises or leaving the PSS.
Moving to a new practice premises
If your practice is moving to a new premises, you must register it with the RCVS Registration department. You can do this by:
- submitting a Register of Veterinary Practice Premises form,
- paying the registration fee.
PSS accreditation is specific to a premises. If your practice moves, the new premises will need to be assessed.
Please contact us as soon as you are aware that you'll be moving premises. We can then give you advice and guidance on the PSS process for your new premises.
Opening or acquiring a new premises
All premises within a PSS practice or practice group must be accredited under the Scheme.
If your practice or practice group has:
- recently opened, or
- acquired a new premises,
or if your premises has:
- recently opened, or
- been acquired by a PSS practice or practice group,
please contact the PSS team at [email protected] to discuss the application and assessment process.
Changes to your accreditations
Your accreditation(s) may need to be amended following changes to your practice.
If you stop treating a species type at your practice, the accreditation level for that species will need to be removed. Please contact us immediately to notify us of any changes that might affect your accreditation.
You can also apply to upgrade your accreditations. For example, you might want to upgrade from Core Standards to General Practice. You can do this at any time between your four-yearly visits.
To be upgraded, your practice will need an Upgrade Accreditation Assessment, for which we charge a fee.
You can apply for an Upgrade Accreditation assessment on Stanley:
- Go to ‘PSS events’, then
- ‘Create New PSS Event’, then
- ‘Upgrade Accreditation’.
You can also contact us at [email protected] to discuss the process.
Changes to your premises
If extensive refurbishment takes place at your practice, this may affect your accreditation.
Please contact us at [email protected] with details of the changes due to take place at your practice. We'll then review whether a visit or any further action is required.
Closing a practice premises or leaving the PSS
If you are closing a practice premises or leaving the PSS, you must notify our Registration department. You can do this by sending us a Register of Veterinary Practice Premises Removal form.
If your practice is staying open but leaving the PSS
If you’re leaving the PSS, we’ll inform the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) that your practice now falls under their inspection scheme.