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28. Social media, online networking, and public life
Updated 31 October 2024
28.1 ‘Social media’ is the term used to describe websites and online applications that encourage social interaction between users and content creators and enables the building of communities and networks. It encompasses all technology that can be used to create or share content, including but not limited to opinions and insights, information, knowledge, and ideas and interests. Examples include media sites that allow public posts and comments (e.g., X), content sharing websites (e.g., YouTube and Instagram), video posting platforms (e.g., TikTok), professional and social networking sites (e.g., LinkedIn and Facebook), internet forums (e.g., vetsurgeon.org), discussion boards, blogs (e.g., Tumblr) and instant messaging (e.g., WhatsApp).
28.2 It is recognised that social media is likely to form part of the everyday lives of veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses and they are free to take advantage of the personal and professional benefits that social media can offer. Social media can for example be a valuable communication tool and can be used to establish professional links and networks, to engage in wider discussions relating to veterinary practice, and to facilitate the public’s access to information about animal health and welfare. Social media may also be used to advertise veterinary products and services and where this is the case, this Chapter should be read alongside Chapter 23 of the supporting guidance, Advertising, endorsement, and publicity. Whilst advantageous, the use of social media is not without risk and veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should be mindful of the consequences that may arise from its misuse.
28.3 Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses have a responsibility to behave professionally and responsibly when offline, online as themselves and online in a virtual world (perhaps as an avatar or under an alias). This responsibility also applies to private forums as there is no guarantee that comments posted will remain private (for example, someone could take a screenshot and post it on public social media platforms.) Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses may put their registration at risk if they demonstrate inappropriate behaviour when using social media. The standards expected of veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses in the real world are no different to the standards they should apply online, and they must uphold the reputation of the veterinary profession at all times.
Protecting your privacy
28.4 Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should consider how to protect their own privacy when using social media. It should be remembered that online information can readily be accessed by others and once it is published online, the information can be difficult, if not impossible, to remove. Information about your location may also be embedded within photographs and other content and available for others to see. Added to this are the risks that other users may comment on the information or circulate or copy this to others. Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should be thoughtful about what they post online as they may be connected directly or indirectly to clients, client's friends or other staff members. Private messages can easily be forwarded. For that reason, it is sensible to presume that everything shared online will be there permanently. Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should also be mindful that content uploaded on an anonymous basis can, in many cases, be traced back to the original author.
28.5 Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should read, understand and use appropriate privacy settings in order to maintain control over access to their personal information. It is advisable for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to review their privacy settings on a regular basis to ensure that the information is not available to unintended users. However, veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should remember that this does not guarantee that their information will be kept private and personal information could potentially be viewed by anyone including clients, colleagues or employers.
Good practice when using social media
28.6 When using social media, veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should:
a. be respectful of and protect the privacy of others and comply with the data protection laws and their own practice's privacy policy.
b. if identifying themselves as a veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse in publicly accessible social media, they should also identify themselves by name.
c. consider whether they would make the comments in public or other traditional forms of media. If not, they should refrain from doing so.
d. be proactive in removing content they have posted or facilitated (i.e., shared/forwarded/cited) which could be viewed as unprofessional
e. remember that innocent references to social activities that might be construed as taking place on duty / on call could be misinterpreted or used as the basis for a complaint
f. maintain and protect client confidentiality by not disclosing information about a client or a client’s animal which could identify them on social media unless the client gives explicit consent (see paragraphs 28.8 to 28.12 below)
g. not post pictures or videos or live stream on social media treatment being provided to patients without explicit consent from the client (see also paragraph 28.9 below)
h. comply with their employer’s or organisation’s internet or social media policy (practices are encouraged to develop and implement a social media policy applicable to all staff)
i. declare any real or perceived conflicts of interest relating to content posted or facilitated and ensure that the content complies with the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (CAP Code), which is enforced by the Advertising Standards Authority. (see also Chapter 23 in relation to endorsing veterinary products and services)
28.7 When using social media veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should avoid making, posting or facilitating , content that:
a. contravenes any internet or social media policy set out by their employer or organisation (Remember that comments or statements made or facilitated by veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses may reflect on their employer / organisation and the wider profession as a whole)
b. may cause undue distress or provoke anti-social or violent behaviour
c. is offensive, false, inaccurate or unjustified (Remember that comments which are damaging to an individual’s reputation could result in a civil claim for defamation for which veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses could be personally liable. Defamation law can apply to any comments posted online made in either a personal or professional capacity)
d. instigates or amounts to participation in any form of abuse, cyber bullying, victimisation, harassment, or threatening or intimidating behaviour towards clients, colleagues, staff or others (the Codes of Professional Conduct states that veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should not speak or write disparagingly about another veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse. This covers all forms of interaction and applies to comments about individuals online)
e. discriminate against an individual based on their race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion or beliefs, or national origin (comments demonstrating hostility towards an individual’s race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or transgender identity may amount to a ‘hate crime’ and may be reported to the authorities and prosecuted in a criminal court)
f. bring the veterinary profession into disrepute (veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should be mindful that their online interactions can have a negative impact on their professional lives)
NB: Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. There are many different types of social media misuse.
Maintaining client confidentiality
28.8 Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses have a legal and professional responsibility to maintain client confidentiality. The Code of Professional Conduct states that veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses must not disclose information about a client or a client’s animals to a third party, unless the client gives permission, or to an authority unless animal welfare or the public interest may be compromised or they are otherwise justified in doing so. See Supporting Guidance Chapter 14 for more information.
28.9 This professional responsibility also applies to veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses using social media. Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should maintain and protect client confidentiality by not disclosing information about a client or a client’s animal, which could identify them on social media, or posting pictures or videos of, or live streaming treatment being provided to patients, unless the client gives explicit consent. If consent is obtained, this should be recorded separately (ideally in the clinical records). Written consent may be particularly helpful in the event of any future challenges. Practices should ensure that such consent is also GDPR compliant, namely freely given, specific, informed, unambiguous and affirmative. It must also be possible to withdraw consent easily and at any time.
28.10 It is recognised that some veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses use social media websites that are not necessarily accessible to the general public, for example, to discuss veterinary practice and related issues. If a veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse considers it is appropriate to discuss a case – for example to further an animal’s care or the care of future animals – steps should be taken to anonymise the client, and/or a client’s animal. Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should note that although individual pieces of information may not breach client confidentiality, the totality of the published information could be sufficient to identify a client.
28.11 Some clients may use public forums to make negative or adverse comments about a veterinary surgeon, a veterinary nurse or a practice, or to raise concerns about the treatment provided to their animal(s). Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should seek to avoid engaging in disputes in a public forum and instead may invite clients who make negative comments or raise concerns to contact the practice directly to discuss further. Discretion should be used when deciding how much to say publicly. Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should be very careful not to breach applicable data protection laws and caution should be taken not to disclose confidential information, which could result in a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) or to the RCVS. Those involved may need to seek specific advice from the ICO on matters of data protection, as appropriate.
28.12 Concerns about inappropriate or untrue comments may also be reported to the site administrator / internet service provider and it may be possible for such comments to be removed. If a veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse considers that the comments are defamatory, legal advice should be sought from an independent solicitor, or from the British Veterinary Association (BVA) legal helpline.
Other members of the veterinary team
28.13 Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should ensure that practice staff for whom they are responsible are aware of any practice protocols on data protection, client confidentiality and the use of social media including this chapter of the supporting guidance
Public life and interaction with the media
28.14 Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses can make a worthwhile contribution to the promotion of animal welfare and responsible pet ownership by taking part in public life, whether in national or local politics, community service, or involvement with the media (including press, television, radio, or the internet).
28.15 In commenting to the media, veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should ensure they distinguish between personal opinion, political belief, and established facts. Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should declare any relevant conflicts of interest when interacting with the media.
28.16 A veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse should be careful not to express or imply that their view is shared by other veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses or a professional organisation to which they belong, unless previously authorised, for example, by the RCVS, British Veterinary Association, British Veterinary Nursing Association, or other professional body.