- Council Members
- Role of Council Members
- Council meetings
- Council elections
- Previous election results
- Dr Louise Allum
- Dr Sam Bescoby
- Dr Andrew Clemence
- Dr Tshidi Gardiner
- Dr Reginald Godwin
- Paddy Gordon
- Dr Danielle Greenberg
- Dr Gerard Henry
- Dr Richard Hillman
- Dr Benjamin Kennedy
- Dr Tom Lonsdale
- Dr Darren Partridge
- Martin Peaty
- Alison Price
- Dr Peter Robinson
- Dr Jennifer Simmons
- Dr Sadie Spencer
- Dr Mary Thomas
- William Wilkinson
- Dr Lara Wilson
- Past-Presidents
- About extra-mural studies (EMS)
- EMS requirements
- Information for vet students
- Information for EMS providers
- Information for vet schools
- Temporary EMS requirements
- Practice by students - regulations
- Health and safety on EMS placements
- EMS contacts and further guidance
- Extra-mural studies fit for the future
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses
- Contact the Advice Team
- XL Bully dog ban
- 'Under care' - new guidance
- Advice on Schedule 3
- Controlled Drugs Guidance – A to Z
- Dealing with Difficult Situations webinar recordings
- FAQs – Common medicines pitfalls
- FAQs – Routine veterinary practice and clinical veterinary research
- FAQs – Advertising of practice names
- GDPR – RCVS information and Q&As
RCVS Accreditation Panel Members
The RCVS conducts accreditation events at both UK and overseas veterinary schools as part of its statutory duty to monitor the standard of veterinary undergraduate education at those institutions.
The RCVS Education Committee appoints panel members on the recommendation of its Primary Qualifications Sub-Committee. Panel Members work as part of a team to review the veterinary programme and assess the compliance with the RCVS accreditation standards.
Do you want to be considered as an RCVS Accreditation Panel Member?
We are keen to expand our pool of possible panel members and invite members who have not previously taken part to be considered to join our accreditation panels.
The accreditation panel will comprise up to six members, plus a student representative, with the necessary combination of educational and subject expertise, clinical and academic experience. Between them, panel members will have a mix of expertise to cover the basic sciences, paraclinical, and clinical sciences to cover all aspects of the curriculum. At least one panel member must be a practitioner with a background in clinical practice outside of academia (with up-to-date knowledge of current general practice), and at least one panel member must be an educationalist (either from a veterinary or healthcare-related profession, i.e. someone with further expertise on higher education curricula, assessment standards and educational models).
Applications are welcomed from RCVS members working in practice or in academia. You will need to have 3 years professional experience, together with good knowledge and experience of current national and international veterinary standards. Final year veterinary students or those who have graduated within the last two years are also encouraged to apply as each accreditation panel will contain one student representative.
As an accreditation panel member, your role will be to review and make recommendations to the RCVS on the standard of university training, following agreed RCVS criteria. A person specification can be found at the bottom this page.
A visitation can last up to a week, and you would need to be able to devote time both before and afterwards for reading and the preparation of reports. Training will be provided by the RCVS via our Accreditation Panel Member E-Learning programme. We pay a loss of earnings allowance to employers for your time away from work.
For further information, or to apply, please contact the Education Department, on 020 7202 0791 or email [email protected].