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97 results found. Showing page 8 of 10.


Leading and Working in Teams

... to content Leading and Working in Teams Teamwork and good leadership are essential to achieve high quality outcomes in the workplace. Work is complex, multi-faceted, and requires an array of talents, ...

Quality Improvement

... to content Quality Improvement Paul Batalden, Guest Professor of Quality Improvement and Leadership at Jönköping University in Sweden, has defined quality improvement as: “The combined and unceasing ...

Leading and Managing Change

... to content Leading and Managing Change Leadership and Change Change is an ever present and unavoidable part of our working lives. With advances in technology and the Covid-19 pandemic causing ...

RCVS Council endorses reforms to veterinary education and graduate support

... to content RCVS Council endorses reforms to veterinary education and graduate support 27 January 2020 RCVS Council has approved the direction of travel for a number of reforms aiming to update and ...

Innovation Symposium

... to content Innovation Symposium Date: Wednesday 20th September 2017 Opening times: 09.15-17.00 Venue: Warwick Business School, The Shard Details Our inaugural RCVS Innovation Symposium was held in the ...

Future-focus for the RCVS at BSAVA Congress

... to content Future-focus for the RCVS at BSAVA Congress 21 March 2019 We are hosting a suite of future-focused presentations at the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress ...

RCVS celebrates VNs established and new at its biannual VN Day

... to content RCVS celebrates VNs established and new at its biannual VN Day 21 October 2019 Last week the RCVS celebrated veterinary nursing at London Zoo with an event welcoming new members of the ...

VN Evening event to celebrate vet nursing profession during landmark year

... to content VN Evening event to celebrate vet nursing profession during landmark year 18 May 2021 This Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (May 2021), the RCVS will be holding a Veterinary Nurses ...

Programme of events announced to celebrate 60 years of veterinary nursing

... to content Programme of events announced to celebrate 60 years of veterinary nursing 22 July 2021 This month (July 2021), we have launched a series of Diamond Jubilee celebration events and ...

RCVS Day 2021 speeches: VN Council Chair Matthew Rendle

... to content RCVS Day 2021 speeches: VN Council Chair Matthew Rendle Thank you Lizzie and welcome to my fellow members of RCVS and VN Councils and those of you watching from home. I just wanted to say ...

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