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New report of second national survey on veterinary graduate competency published

... to content New report of second national survey on veterinary graduate competency published 24 June 2020 The Veterinary Schools Council (VSC) and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) have ...

Changes made to VetGDP training timeframe in light of worsening pandemic

... to content Changes made to VetGDP training timeframe in light of worsening pandemic 22 January 2021 The RCVS has made some adjustments to its requirements for practices for its new Veterinary Graduate ...

RCVS launches information campaign for new grad development programme

... to content RCVS launches information campaign for new grad development programme 7 December 2020 The RCVS has launched a new information campaign to help veterinary practices and veterinary students ...

RCVS Council endorses reforms to veterinary education and graduate support

... to content RCVS Council endorses reforms to veterinary education and graduate support 27 January 2020 RCVS Council has approved the direction of travel for a number of reforms aiming to update and ...

RCVS gets back on the horse for BEVA Congress

... to content RCVS gets back on the horse for BEVA Congress 23 August 2021 After a long absence due to the coronavirus pandemic, the RCVS will be making its first in-person appearance at a veterinary ...