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RCVS Council agrees changes to PSS following review

... to content RCVS Council agrees changes to PSS following review 13 March 2020 UPDATE: 25/6/20. Given the pandemic-related uncertainty, RCVS Taskforce has agreed that the introduction of the new ...

RCVS Question Time comes to Glasgow

... to content RCVS Question Time comes to Glasgow 14 August 2012 Veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and other members of practice teams from Glasgow are invited to put their questions to us at a ...

Council approves pathway for RVNs to become PSS Assessors

... to content Council approves pathway for RVNs to become PSS Assessors 27 January 2021 At the January meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Council, members approved a pathway for ...

An overview of decisions made at the June 2022 meeting of RCVS Council

... to content An overview of decisions made at the June 2022 meeting of RCVS Council 16 June 2022 At its meeting on Thursday 9 June 2022, RCVS Council, the College’s governing body, voted on a number ...