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5 results found.


RCVS Council agrees to amend Statutory Examination rules and update refugee support policy for vets

... to content RCVS Council agrees to amend Statutory Examination rules and update refugee support policy for vets 31 March 2022 At the March 2022 meeting of RCVS Council , members agreed, in ...

Privy Council agrees rise to RCVS fees

... to content Privy Council agrees rise to RCVS fees 24 January 2020 The Privy Council has approved a rise to the current annual renewal fees charged by the College of £24 for those practising in the ...

RCVS approves Defra proposal to allow temporary registrants to undertake OV work

... to content RCVS approves Defra proposal to allow temporary registrants to undertake OV work 29 March 2021 RCVS Council has approved proposals from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ...

RCVS expands refugee support policy to cover veterinary nurse applicants

... to content RCVS expands refugee support policy to cover veterinary nurse applicants 30 March 2022 We have recently expanded our policy of providing financial and educational support to veterinary ...

VN Council agrees post-Brexit registration of EU VNs

... to content VN Council agrees post-Brexit registration of EU VNs 15 February 2019 The RCVS VN Council has agreed changes to how it registers veterinary nurses who qualified in the European Economic Area ...