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Providing emotional support for those going through professional conduct proceedings

... to content Providing emotional support for those going through professional conduct proceedings 30 May 2023 This article is written by one of the volunteers from the RCVS-funded Professional Conduct ...

Somerset-based vet removed from Register for stealing controlled drugs

... to content Somerset-based vet removed from Register for stealing controlled drugs 19 December 2019 The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has directed the Registrar to remove a Somerset-based veterinary ...

Simplified new concerns investigation process to come into force

... to content Simplified new concerns investigation process to come into force 29 September 2022 As of 1 October 2022, the RCVS will be introducing a streamlined new concerns investigation process, with ...

RCVS Council approves trial for private prosecutions protocol

... to content RCVS Council approves trial for private prosecutions protocol 21 March 2023 A new trial protocol for launching private prosecutions against unqualified individuals breaching the Veterinary ...

RCVS Council approves implementation of reforms to disciplinary system

... to content RCVS Council approves implementation of reforms to disciplinary system 12 November 2021 At its November 2021 meeting, RCVS Council approved the implementation of a clearer and more ...