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RCVS Academy launches ‘Working in the UK’ course for overseas vets and VNs

... to content RCVS Academy launches ‘Working in the UK’ course for overseas vets and VNs 21 March 2023 The RCVS Academy , a free digital learning platform for the veterinary professions, has launched two ...

RCVS/Surrey Vet School joint statement to final-year Surrey students

... to content RCVS/Surrey Vet School joint statement to final-year Surrey students 5 May 2021 We have today [5 May 2021] published the following joint statement with the University of Surrey School of ...

President welcomes successful exam candidates to the Register

... to content President welcomes successful exam candidates to the Register 8 August 2014 Stuart Reid, President of the RCVS, welcomed six new members to the Register at a special ceremony at Belgravia ...

RCVS Council asked to review postnominals decision

... to content RCVS Council asked to review postnominals decision 24 April 2014 RCVS Council will be asked to review its decision to remove postgraduate postnominals from its Register, on the ...

RCVS holds the first meeting of its Brexit Presidential Taskforce

... to content RCVS holds the first meeting of its Brexit Presidential Taskforce 5 September 2016 On 26 July we held the first meeting of our Brexit Presidential Taskforce. The Taskforce was established ...

RCVS seeks members of the profession for Stat Exam roles

... to content RCVS seeks members of the profession for Stat Exam roles 20 December 2018 We are currently looking for a lead examiner and a further 15 examiners for our Statutory Examination for ...

VN Education Committee approves expanded pre-registration exams for overseas VNs

... to content VN Education Committee approves expanded pre-registration exams for overseas VNs 21 December 2023 The Veterinary Nurse Education Committee has approved an expansion of the ...

University of Surrey’s vet degree receives RCVS approval

... to content University of Surrey’s vet degree receives RCVS approval 4 October 2019 The University of Surrey School of Veterinary Medicine’s degree yesterday (Thursday 3 October) received approval by ...

Over 220 VNs welcomed to the profession at registration ceremonies

... to content Over 220 VNs welcomed to the profession at registration ceremonies 13 May 2019 Over 220 new veterinary nurses were welcomed to the VN profession at a series of ceremonies at ZSL London on ...

VN Council agrees post-Brexit registration of EU VNs

... to content VN Council agrees post-Brexit registration of EU VNs 15 February 2019 The RCVS VN Council has agreed changes to how it registers veterinary nurses who qualified in the European Economic Area ...