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Recommendations on improving support for BAME students at university published

... to content Recommendations on improving support for BAME students at university published 23 June 2022 The RCVS and the Veterinary Schools Council (VSC) have published a joint report with ...

RCVS Council opens the path for paraprofessional regulation

... to content RCVS Council opens the path for paraprofessional regulation 29 January 2019 RCVS Council has approved a pathway for veterinary and animal health paraprofessionals to become associates of or ...

RCVS Council agrees changes to CPD policy

... to content RCVS Council agrees changes to CPD policy 17 June 2019 Please note: we published a response to concerns about CPD policy changes on 19 June 2019.  At RCVS Council's June meeting, ...

RCVS publishes strategy for more diverse & inclusive veterinary professions

... to content RCVS publishes strategy for more diverse & inclusive veterinary professions 17 February 2021 Today (Wednesday 17 February 2021) the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has ...