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Good professional standing

Once you’ve passed the statutory membership examination, you will be able to register as a member of the RCVS. However, you must first give our registration team proof of your good professional standing.

This might be:

  • a letter,
  • a certificate, or
  • another document.

Whichever format you provide, your proof of good standing must be:

  • an original (not a photocopy),
  • signed by the person who wrote it, and
  • dated within the exam application window (1 October to 14 January).

Your document should be emailed directly to [email protected] by the organisation or person who wrote it.

You’ll need to give us up-to-date evidence of your good standing each time you apply to sit the exam.

Who can provide your letter of good standing

If you have a license to practise as a veterinary surgeon in one or more countries around the world

You must request your letter of good standing from the organisation that grants you your license.

If you have graduated as a vet within the last 12 months

You should request your letter of good standing from your university. If you have not yet graduated your letter must include a predicted date of graduation to be approved.

If you do not currently have a license to practise as a veterinary surgeon and have graduated more than 12 months ago

You’ll need to swear an affidavit or oath in front of a competent judicial or administrative authority, or notary public. If you need to swear an affidavit, please email [email protected] for further information.

When to request your letter

It can take some organisations several months to provide letters of good standing. We’d therefore suggest you request one as soon as possible.

If the letter provided is not in English, you’ll need to have it translated by a licensed translator. Please send the original alongside the certified translation to [email protected].

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