- Council Members
- Role of Council Members
- Council meetings
- Council elections
- Previous election results
- Dr Louise Allum
- Dr Sam Bescoby
- Dr Andrew Clemence
- Dr Tshidi Gardiner
- Dr Reginald Godwin
- Paddy Gordon
- Dr Danielle Greenberg
- Dr Gerard Henry
- Dr Richard Hillman
- Dr Benjamin Kennedy
- Dr Tom Lonsdale
- Dr Darren Partridge
- Martin Peaty
- Alison Price
- Dr Peter Robinson
- Dr Jennifer Simmons
- Dr Sadie Spencer
- Dr Mary Thomas
- William Wilkinson
- Dr Lara Wilson
- Past-Presidents
- About extra-mural studies (EMS)
- EMS requirements
- Information for vet students
- Information for EMS providers
- Information for vet schools
- Temporary EMS requirements
- Practice by students - regulations
- Health and safety on EMS placements
- EMS contacts and further guidance
- Extra-mural studies fit for the future
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses
- Contact the Advice Team
- XL Bully dog ban
- 'Under care' - new guidance
- Advice on Schedule 3
- Controlled Drugs Guidance – A to Z
- Dealing with Difficult Situations webinar recordings
- FAQs – Common medicines pitfalls
- FAQs – Routine veterinary practice and clinical veterinary research
- FAQs – Advertising of practice names
- GDPR – RCVS information and Q&As
Standard 3 - Learning culture
Education and training is valued and promoted in a safe and inclusive way, across all learning environments, with diversity, inclusion and civility at the forefront. Programmes must also demonstrate a clear commitment to sustainability and promotion of the values of the Code of Professional Conduct at all times.
- Prioritise the wellbeing of people.
This may be evidenced through:
- Staff inductions
- Staff reviews
- Nominated staff members for wellbeing
- Pastoral support
- Staff or student codes of conduct
- Wellbeing policy
- Wellbeing initiatives
- Peer reviews
- CPD records
- Risk assessments related to health and wellbeing
- Ensure students and educators understand how to raise concerns or complaints and are encouraged and supported to do so in line with local and national policies without fear of adverse consequences..
This may be evidenced through:
- Minutes of student meetings
- Minutes of student representative meetings
- Programme/qualification handbooks
- Induction policy and timetables for students and staff
- Complaints procedure
- Whistleblowing policy
- Social media policy
- Safeguarding policy
- Wellbeing policy
- Staff code of conduct
- Student code of conduct
- Malpractice/maladministration policy
- Ensure any concerns or complaints are investigated and dealt with effectively, ensuring the wellbeing of people and animals is prioritised.
This may be evidenced through:
- Complaints review board
- Complaints procedure
- Accredited education institution (AEI)/delivery site fitness to practise policy
- Safeguarding policy
- Wellbeing policy
- Examples of complaints
- Malpractice/maladministration policy
- Ensure incidents are fully investigated and learning reflections and actions are recorded and disseminated.
This may be evidenced through:
- Minutes of meetings
- Clinical audit reports
- Complaints procedure
- Disciplinary policy
- Risk assessment and policy reviews
- Accident records
- Evidence of outcomes/actions and dissemination
- Examples of incidents or complaints
- Continuing professional development plans and records
- Promote student engagement with the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses to develop open and honest practitioners, who work with integrity within the confines of Schedule 3 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act (1966).
This may be evidenced through:
- AEI/delivery site fitness to practise procedure
- Student feedback
- Module/qualification handbook
- Monitoring of teaching and learning
- Learning logs
- Reflective diaries
- Tutorial records
- Learner reviews
- Student handbook
- Promote evidenced-based improvement in education and veterinary nursing practise, developing practitioners who use this concept as a grounding principle in their daily work.
This may be evidenced through:
- Research committee meetings
- Programme/qualification level intended learning outcomes
- Module/qualification handbooks
- CPD policy
- Secondment policy and examples
- Guest (expert) speaker timetables
- Journal clubs
- Clinical audits
- Clinical governance
- Quality improvement policies and procedures
- Inter-professional research opportunities
- Demonstrate a reasonable commitment to environmental sustainability, including consideration of the impact of delivering the programme on the environment.
This may be evidenced through:
- Environment sustainability policy
- Waste disposal contracts
- Accreditation with external partners e.g. green credentials
- Training practice (TP)/TP approval and monitoring records
- Sustainably sourced materials
- Evidence of internal teams/groups promoting environmental sustainability
- Receive constructive feedback throughout the programme to promote and encourage reflective learning.
This may be evidenced through:
- Feedback policy and procedures
- Feedback records
- Evidence-based professional practice procedures
- Module/qualification descriptors
- Programme/qualification handbook
- Assessment examples
- Formative assessment procedures
- Learner reviews
- Ensure that recruitment, selection, and retention of students is open, fair, and transparent, and includes measures to understand and address underrepresentation.
This may be evidenced through:
- Selection criteria for admission
- Recruitment documentation
- Copies of student certificates
- Accredited prior learning (APL) and recognised prior learning (RPL) policies
- Equality of opportunity policy
- Interview records
- Self-assessment reports
- Widening participation strategy and plan
- Application process
- Interview/selection process
- Proactively identify and act on areas for improvement, regularly measuring programme performance and outcomes.
This may be evidenced through:
- External academic consultation
- Employer consultation
- Review of programme performance
- Module reviews
- Student intake figures
- Stakeholder feedback
- Student feedback
- Provide evidence that adequate market demand and finances are in place and are sufficient to sustain and develop the programme and have been approved by the AEI.
This may be evidenced through:
- Budget
- Self-assessment reports
- Institution’s annual report containing audited accounts
- Budgetary forecast for the programmes
- Evidence of actual and/or projected income sources
- Evidence of demand for the programme (market demand)
- Marketing strategy
- National student survey
- End of programme evaluation
- Justification for critical student numbers e.g. business planning documentation
- Where an AEI plans to make any changes to its provision, including assessments, the RCVS must approve all changes prior to implementation.
This may be evidenced through:
- Correspondence with RCVS regarding proposed changes
- Process for programme changes