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Standard 2 - Educators and assessors

A veterinary nurse with a clipboard and a dog

Theory and practice learning and assessment are facilitated effectively and objectively by appropriately qualified and experienced professionals with necessary expertise for their educational and assessor roles.


  1. Are appropriately qualified and experienced and always act as professional role models.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Staff CVs
    2. Staff CPD records
    3. Job descriptions
    4. Person specifications
  2. Receive relevant induction, ongoing support, education and training.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Staff induction procedure
    2. CPD policy
    3. Module descriptors
    4. CPD records
    5. Mechanism for obtaining feedback
    6. Assessment matrix
    7. Appraisal procedure
  3. Have supported time and resources to enable them to fulfil their roles in addition to other professional responsibilities.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. CPD policy
    2. Staff CVs
    3. Staff availability
    4. Teaching allocations
  4. Receive and act upon constructive feedback from students and stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of their teaching, supervision and assessment.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Feedback policy
    2. Evaluation of academic practice
    3. Employer consultation
    4. External examiner reports
    5. Module reviews
    6. Stakeholder feedback
  5. Appropriately share and use evidence to make decisions on student assessment and progression.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Moderation reports
    2. External examiner reports
    3. Course design rationale
    4. Exam boards
  6. Teaching, learning and assessments are developed and evaluated by suitably experienced and qualified personnel relevant to the subject area.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Marking allocation
    2. Job descriptions
    3. Person specifications
    4. Qualification development procedures