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Standard 1 - Curricula and assessment

A veterinary nurse and a client holding a cat

Curricula and assessments are designed, developed, delivered and evaluated to ensure candidates achieve the RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing.


  1. Curricula to remain relevant in respect of contemporary veterinary nursing in a subject specific area.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Curriculum framework mapping
    2. Schemes of work
    3. Assessment plans
    4. Timetables
    5. Curriculum documents
    6. Module descriptors
    7. Academic handbooks
  2. Curricula and assessment weigh theory and practice learning appropriately to the programme.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Schemes of work
    2. Assessment plans
    3. Module descriptors
    4. Timetables
    5. Assessment schedules
    6. Assessment matrix
    7. Online platform
  3. A range of appropriate assessments are delivered, ensuring the intended learning outcomes are fully and suitably assessed.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Assessment strategies
    2. Assessment rationale
    3. Example assessments
    4. Programme specifications
    5. Module documents
    6. Assessment matrix
    7. Academic integrity policy and procedure
  4. Curricula and assessments are developed and evaluated by suitably experienced and qualified educators and/or practitioners who are accountable for ensuring the curriculum incorporates relevant programme outcomes.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. CV and CPD records
    2. Academic handbooks
    3. Procedure for monitoring delivery and assessment
    4. Marking descriptors and rubrics
    5. Programme outcomes
  5. Curricula are structured and sequenced to enable students to manage their theory and practice learning experience effectively.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Teaching plans
    2. Online platform
    3. Course information documents
    4. Schemes of work
    5. Assessment schedules
    6. Assessment matrix
    7. Student feedback
  6. Processes are in place to establish a high degree of validity and robustness to support the decisions made based on the results of the assessment.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Assessment matrix
    2. Academic regulations
    3. Assessment handbooks
    4. Role of the external examiner
    5. External examiner reports
    6. Example assessments
    7. Reasonable adjustment policy
  7. Moderation processes are in place and demonstrate that assessment is fair, reliable, and valid, and the integrity of the assessment is upheld.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Academic regulations
    2. Assessment handbook
    3. External examiner report
    4. Schemes of work
    5. Module descriptors
    6. Internal examiner and assessor procedures
    7. Fitness to study policy
    8. Reasonable adjustment policy
    9. Assessment outcomes data
  8. Adjustments are provided in accordance with relevant equalities and human rights legislation for all assessments.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
    2. Disability policy
    3. Health and wellbeing policy
    4. Appeals procedure
    5. Fitness to study policy
    6. Reasonable adjustment policy
    7. Mitigating circumstances policy
    8. Records of reasonable adjustment
    9. Student support plans
    10. Individual learning plans
  9. The required facilities and resources are in place for the delivery and assessment of the curricula.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. Campus map
    2. Consumables list
    3. Library resources
    4. IT resources
    5. Evidence of suitable and sufficient delivery areas
    6. Online learning platform
  10. Curricula and assessments are reviewed by an external examiner who has sufficient standing, credibility and breadth of experience within the discipline.

    This may be evidenced through:

    1. External examiner CV
    2. External examiner CPD records
    3. External examiner recruitment criteria
    4. External examiner reports