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Review of the Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (CertAVN) framework
As a responsible regulator with quality assurance at the heart of everything we do, we have a commitment to regularly review our standards for the Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (CertAVN) to ensure they remain up-to-date, fit for purpose and reflect the latest developments in the educational landscape.
The CertAVN was first launched in May 2019 as an advanced professional qualification allowing veterinary nurses at all stages of their careers to develop their professional skills and knowledge in a designated area of the veterinary nursing profession. The modular style framework for the Certificate leads to awards in a variety of subject areas.
As with other standards frameworks, we will continue to review the CertAVN framework on a five-yearly basis to ensure that course providers are supported to best provide contemporary and innovative approaches to education for CertAVN students, while being accountable for the delivery and management of accredited programmes.
We welcome constructive and specific feedback on our proposals from veterinary nurses at all stages of their careers, the wider veterinary team, educators who will be delivering the programme, as well as employers of current and potential CertAVN holders. Your insights will help us ensure that the standards continue to enable veterinary nurse educators to deliver the best training and support possible for CertAVN students.
Introducing a new standard
A key change we are proposing is the introduction of a new standard covering learning culture which encompasses the previous sustainability standard. We would particularly welcome feedback in this area.
We are grateful to the members of the task and finish working group set up to develop the changes and all other stakeholders and contributors for the development of this new proposed framework.
Please do take the time to read through the CertAVN framework in full before undertaking the survey. If you have questions about the document or how to respond to the survey, please contact the RCVS Nursing Team on [email protected].
Susan Howarth RVN
Chair, VN Education Committee
The consultation
To review the full draft standards framework as part of the consultation survey, you can either download the PDF version or browse the web version below.
The survey itself will allow you to leave feedback on each of the three overarching standards, the individual requirements within each standard and the evidence lists that are provided alongside each requirement.
Please note that this consultation closes on Monday 3 March 2025 at 5pm.
Download the PDF version
To read the consultation draft standards framework offline, please download the PDF.
NB On mobile devices, we recommend you use the Adobe Acrobat app, and select 'Liquid Mode'.
Browse the web version
Alternatively, to browse the web version, please use either the links below or the navigation on the right (or above on mobile).
Standards of accreditation
Standards for accreditation are set under the following:
Any questions?
If you have any questions on any aspect of the consultation please contact the Veterinary Nursing team, on [email protected].