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Voting open in 2025 RCVS Council and VN Council elections

12 March 2025

Voting is now open in the 2025 elections for RCVS Council and Veterinary Nurses (VN) Council, with veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses having the opportunity to cast votes for their preferred candidates in their respective elections.

Voting emails were sent by Civica Election Services (CES), which runs the elections on our behalf on the afternoon of Wednesday 12 March. Each email contains a secure link to the voting website, containing pre-filled codes which are unique to each individual veterinary surgeon and veterinary nurse.

Voting emails for veterinary surgeons voting in the RCVS Council election will come from [email protected], while those for veterinary nurses voting in the VN Council election will come from [email protected].

The Privy Council has agreed amendments to the RCVS Election Scheme meaning that, among other things, the RCVS can hold an online-only election this year rather than sending out paper ballots. The few veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses for whom the RCVS holds no unique email address will be sent a voting instructions letter by post.

For the RCVS Council election, there are 20 candidates standing this year and veterinary surgeons can cast their votes for up to four of them by 5pm on Friday 25 April 2025. The candidates are:

The full biographies and statements for each candidate are available to read at on the 2025 RCVS Council election webpage. Candidates were also given the opportunity to answer a question of their choice submitted by members of the profession. Answers to these questions can be found on individual candidate profiles.

The four candidates who receive the most votes will take up their four-year terms on RCVS Council at the Annual General Meeting on Friday 4 July 2025.

Veterinary nurses will also now have until 5pm on Friday 25 April to cast their votes for up to two of the three candidates standing in this year’s VN Council election. The candidates who are standing in this year’s election are:

The two candidates with the most votes will join VN Council for their three-year terms at the College’s AGM in July. The individual candidate profiles are available to view on the 2025 VN Council election webpage where you can also read the candidates’ answers to a question of their choice submitted by the profession.

As well as the initial voting email, CES will also send regular reminder emails to those veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses who have not yet voted in their respective elections.

Any veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses who have not received their voting email should contact CES directly on [email protected] stating which election they are eligible to vote in.

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