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Veterinary Nursing Vision events continue to inspire future-focused thinking

28 August 2024

VN Vision event discussion groups sat around tables

The VN Futures-supported Veterinary Nursing Vision events are continuing to inspire future-focused thinking within the veterinary nursing profession, with seven events now having taken place.

The event series, which is bringing together veterinary nurses and student veterinary nurses to explore aspirations for the future of the veterinary nursing profession, began with a workshop at VN Council back in February. Since then, veterinary nurses UK-wide from all walks of life have been attending the events and participating in discussions about their visions for the future of the veterinary nursing profession.

There have been six in-person sessions, taking place at VN Council, VMG Congress, College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise in Belfast, Veterinary Nursing Education Committee, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), and Harper Adams University. There has also been an educator-specific session which took place online.

Jill Macdonald, VN Futures Project Lead, said: “The aim of the VN Vision workshops is to gain the views of, and input from, veterinary nurses and students with a broad range of perspectives and experiences about what they would like to see in the future for veterinary nursing. In the sessions we focus the discussions on areas such as education and training, the structure and delivery of care, what veterinary nurses can do, and practice culture.

“The VN Futures project was first formed eight years ago now, and a lot has changed within the profession and the entire sector within that time. We are therefore keen to make sure that the project remains current and forward-looking, and it is important that nurses at all stages of their careers have the opportunity to get involved in creating a vision for the future.”

Julie Dugmore, RCVS Director of Veterinary Nursing, added: “So far, all the events have been very well received, and it is hugely promising to see how positive, enthusiastic, and open to thinking outside of the box the attendees have been.

“The discussions have been fruitful and varied, but there are definitely some common themes emerging. These are namely the need for improved training and utilisation of patient care assistants; the development of advanced practitioner and prescriber roles; and, increased team cohesion, empowerment, and support, including improved recognition for all members of the veterinary team.

“We are going to be holding more events throughout the rest of the year, so do keep an eye out for these. I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in attending and supporting the sessions so far and look forward to welcoming many more of you to the workshops throughout the remainder of the year.”

The next in-person VN Vision events are as follows:

The next VN Vision events to be held online are:

Details of all VN Vision events, including information on how to sign up, will be housed on our dedicated VN Vision events collection page, as and when each of the events goes live.

The outcomes from the events will culminate in a report outlining the themes of the discussions and next steps.

To receive updates on the events, please ensure your email updates from VN Futures are accepted in your RCVS ‘My Account’.

The VN Futures website will also provide further information on upcoming events as and when they are made live.

Interested in attending a VN Vision event but not sure what to expect?

When asked about which aspect of the VN Vision session they found most valuable, here's what some of our attendees had to say…

“The entire evening was very enjoyable. It was an open and honest discussion that everyone participated in which was refreshing.”

“Brilliant evening, exceeded my expectations. I felt heard and valued as an RVN.”

“Realising that as a collective we all have very similar ideas and visions, which is very positive for the future of the profession.”

“To hear the opinions of others in the profession and know that we are all thinking similarly. A very valid point made on mental health in the VN Profession, that by utilisation of nursing teams appropriately, it would increase job satisfaction and therefore help with mental health.”

“This was an excellent opportunity for the voices of veterinary nurses to be heard.”

“Feeling like RVN's are being taken seriously. Finally hopefully we will have a structure for further certification and be allowed to work to our full potential.”

“Discussing topics with a range of RVNs to hear a range of opinions.”

“Listening to like-minded nurses with the same vision as myself.”

“All of it. It was good to know many people in the nursing profession, or involved in it, would like the same things to happen.”


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