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Taking a 13,000 feet plunge for the RCVS Trust
15 August 2007
On 5 October 2007, Tamzin Thornton, Publishing Director of Veterinary Business Development and Editor of Veterinary Times will step out of a perfectly good aircraft at 13,000 feet, freefall through the clouds down to 5,000 feet at 120mph and then ride the parachute back down to the ground - all in aid of the RCVS Trust.
Tamzin (pictured) said: "The RCVS Trust is a fantastic cause to raise funds for. The charity helps to breathe life into so many unique veterinary projects and services that would otherwise never get off the ground.
"As the Trust enables so many 'Blue-Sky' projects, it seems appropriate to leap out of a plane to raise funds. Ultimately, the work funded by this charity is of great benefit to the veterinary profession, so I'm hoping readers of Veterinary Times will dig deep into their pockets and help me to hit my £1,000 target."
Gerri McHugh, Director of RCVS Trust added: "We are indebted to Veterinary Times for its continued support of our work. For a number of years we have benefited from very regular and comprehensive coverage of a large number of our veterinary educational and animal welfare projects and services; we are now inspired by the additional efforts made by an increasing number of Veterinary Times staff to raise funds for our work.
"Tamzin's 13,000 feet freefall tandem skydive is the latest in a series of sporting challenges that Veterinary Times staff have undertaken for our work this year, and is certainly the most 'extreme' to date.
"Typically, Tamzin has set herself an ambitious sponsorship target - I do hope the veterinary profession will support her efforts to raise much-needed funds for the RCVS Trust."
To support Tamzin, please visit www.justgiving.com/tamzinjumps or send a cheque made payable to RCVS Trust to FREEPOST RCVS TRUST 62-64 Horseferry Road London SW1P 2AF.
If you would like more information on skydiving in aid of the RCVS Trust please contact Gerri McHugh on 020 7202 0714 or [email protected].