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RCVS publishes recording of ‘under care’ webinar and case study scenarios
28 June 2023
We have published the recording of our recent webinar about the new, forthcoming ‘under care’ guidance in which some of our senior officers and staff explained the new guidance, what it will mean for the professions, and answered questions submitted by delegates.
The webinar was chaired by our President Dr Melissa Donald MRCVS with a panel comprising our Standards Committee Chair Linda Belton MRCVS, our Registrar Eleanor Ferguson, and our Head of Standards Gemma Kingswell and took place on the evening of Thursday 15 June.
The content of the webinar included: an overview of the key changes; the considerations to take into account when prescribing POM-Vs remotely; the circumstances under which POM-Vs cannot be prescribed remotely; the prescription of antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics, and antivirals; and how the guidance will be enforced.
Eleanor Ferguson (pictured) commented: “Thank you to all those members of the professions who took part in this very well-attended event in order to find out more about the new under care guidance and its implications in terms of the remote prescribing of POM-Vs ahead of its implementation from 1 September this year.
“We have also now published a range of practice-based scenarios to help explain how the new guidance should be followed in various circumstances, and in relation to different species. These scenarios cover a variety of different situations, including how the guidance applies to two or more practices with mutual clients, consultancy services and the prescription of long-term controlled drugs.”
The webinar recording and scenarios are available to view at our dedicated under care guidance webpage, where the advice can also be read in full prior to its implementation.
A second webinar date has now also been confirmed for the evening of Monday 17 July with priority for attendance being given to those who wished to attend the June webinar but were not able to do so because it was over-subscribed. Further details on registering for the event will be published shortly on the under care webpage.