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RCVS News wins award

11 March 2008

RCVS News (November 2007)We are pleased to announce that RCVS News was awarded Best Newsletter at the recent MemCom Awards.

With the help of design specialists Ocean, we redesigned the publication a year ago on the basis of feedback from a reader survey, with the aim of making it more readable, easier to digest and more appealing.

MemCom is an annual event run with input from the marketing directors of a range of membership bodies. The organisations involved over the last few years represent somewhere in the region of three million members – from the Caravan Club to the Royal Society of Medicine.

The newsletter category was one of the most competitive. The judges particularly noted our “determination to bring RCVS communications into the 21st Century”. And went on to say:

“The comments from vets show it is hitting all of the right buttons, and giving them just enough reading matter to fit with their busy lives.

"The ‘news at a glance’ on the outside back cover is a clever and sensible idea. It has a good overall look, is easy to read, with good use of typography, and information boxes.”

The March issue of RCVS News will be with veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses towards the end of this week, and includes news about the newly-elected Junior Vice-President, a meeting with the Office of Fair Trade about prescription charges, the arrest of someone fraudulently registering as a vet and a round up of RCVS events.

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