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Nomination period for RCVS and VN Councils 2015 elections now open
3 November 2014
Those veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses who wish to contribute to the future of their professions can now stand up and be counted as the nomination period for the RCVS Council and VN Council 2015 elections is open.
Each year six RCVS Council seats are contested while two seats are available for VN Council. Successful candidates will serve four-year terms.
Existing RCVS Council members Niall Connell, Professor Sheila Crispin, Mark Elliott, Lynne Hill, Dr Bob Moore and Professor the Lord Trees of the Ross are due to retire from Council next year but are all eligible for re-election. Elizabeth Branscombe and Elizabeth Cox are due to retire from VN Council but will also be eligible to stand again in 2015.
The nomination period runs until 5pm on Saturday 31 January 2015 and, in order to stand, candidates for either RCVS or VN Council will need to complete a nomination form, submit a short biography, write a short personal statement and supply a high resolution digital photo.
Through their participation in the Councils and their committees members can have a big impact on the future of their respective professions by developing policy and making decisions in areas of key importance such as education and professional standards.”
Each candidate will also need to provide two nominations – for RCVS Council candidates this should be two veterinary surgeons on our Register who are not current RCVS Council members; for VN Council candidates nominators must be registered or listed VNs who are not current VN Council members.
The election period commences in early March 2015 and runs until Friday 24 April. Successful candidates for either Council will take up their seats at RCVS Day – our Annual General Meeting and Awards Day – on Friday 10 July 2015.
Gordon Hockey, Registrar, comments: “After a record 19 candidates – of which over half were women − for last year’s RCVS Council elections, and a good showing for VN Council as well, we hope to build on that momentum this year by attracting candidates of all ages and backgrounds.
“Through their participation in the Councils and their committees members can have a big impact on the future of their respective professions by developing policy and making decisions in areas of key importance such as education and professional standards.”
Nomination forms, guidance notes and frequently asked questions can be downloaded for RCVS Council candidates. The equivalent documents can be downloaded for VN Council candidates.
Last year we produced two short videos outlining what is involved in being a Council member, the benefits it can bring and the amount of time it requires.
Prospective candidates are also invited to attend a ‘Meet the RCVS Day’ at our offices on Tuesday 25 November where they will have the opportunity to find out more about our role and that of RCVS and VN Council members as well as having a tour of the building and the opportunity to talk to staff.
Those who are interested in attending should contact Fiona Harcourt, Events Officer, on [email protected] or 020 7202 0773.