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Next round of Regional Meetings planned for early autumn

7 August 2003

Newly elected President, Professor Richard Halliwell, and his new team of Officers will be hosting two evening Regional Meetings in London and in Maidenhead at the end of September and beginning of October respectively. RCVS members, nurses and practice managers are invited to join them at the RCVS offices in Belgravia House, London on Tuesday 30 September 2003. If you would prefer to avoid the city bustle join them the following day, Wednesday 1 October, at the Holiday Inn in Maidenhead.

These meetings are an important opportunity to discuss veterinary and veterinary nursing issues with the RCVS Officers in an informal atmosphere. Items for discussion include:

  • Update on the recommendations of the Education Steering Strategy Group
  • Consultation process on Practice Standards
  • Consultation process on the new Veterinary Surgeons Act
  • Veterinary nurse training
  • Competition Commission Report
  • Any other areas of concern that you may have, including local issues

Officers will listen to the issues raised and try to resolve them, either at the meeting, or through further consideration by RCVS Committees and Council.

A buffet meal is provided from 7pm with the actual meeting commencing at 8pm and ending at approximately 10pm. Invitations are sent to members within reasonable travelling distance of the venues but all members are welcome and those attending are encouraged to bring along any colleagues, veterinary nurses or practice managers who would also like to attend the meeting.

It is essential to book your place so please contact Danielle van den Berg at the RCVS on (020) 7202 0766 or email Invitations (complete with maps) can also be downloaded below. Once you have completed the reply slip, please post it to the address supplied on the invitation or fax it to Danielle van den Berg on 020 7202 0740.

We look forward to seeing you at the next round of Regional Meetings.

London (PDF file - 85Kb)- Tuesday 30 September 2003

Maidenhead (PDF file - 64Kb)- Wednesday 1 October 2003

Please click on the maps for a clearer view.

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