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Newly qualified VNs welcomed to profession at VN Day in Westminster
31 May 2023
On Friday 16 June 2023, we are looking forward to hosting our next Veterinary Nurses Day, to celebrate the achievements of those veterinary nurses who have recently completed their qualification and joined the RCVS Register, and those who have completed an advanced qualification in veterinary nursing.
Taking place at Central Hall Westminster, London, there will be two ceremonies taking place, starting at 10.30am and 2pm respectively, during which new VNs will make their professional declarations, be presented with a scroll and official photograph, and hear from RCVS President Dr Melissa Donald MRCVS, and VN Council Chair, Matthew Rendle. Guest speaker Amy Martin RVN - a qualified veterinary nurse with over 20 years’ experience in clinical practice including 15 years in leadership - will also be delivering a speech on ‘Communication and connection for a sustainable career’.
Matthew Rendle RVN, Chair of our Veterinary Nursing Council, said: “Throughout my time on VN Council, I have felt privileged to attend multiple Veterinary Nurses Days to formally welcome newly-qualified VNs into our profession, and lead them in making their all-important professional declarations surrounded by their family and friends.
“As my stint as VN Council Chair is now coming to an end, this will be my final time attending a VN Day as Chair and giving an address to new members of the VN profession. I am very proud to be an RVN and it has been an absolute pleasure to welcome so many more to the Register over the years and something I will never forget.
“Veterinary Nurses Day is a momentous occasion – these nurses have all worked extremely hard to get to the point of joining the Register, and Veterinary Nurses Day plays a vital role in recognising their dedication.
“I hope they will leave the day feeling proud of all they have achieved so far, and inspired by all the possibilities that lie ahead.”
For more information on Veterinary Nurses Day, please visit our dedicated Veterinary Nurses Day webpage. If you have any further queries about the ceremonies, please contact our events team on [email protected]