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New RCVS President heads to Belfast for Question Time
7 October 2005
Recently elected RCVS President, Mrs Lynne Hill, and the RCVS Officers will be visiting Northern Ireland in November for the winter round of RCVS Question Time. The event is open to all listed veterinary surgeons and nurses and will take place on Thursday 10 November 2005 at the Dunadry Hotel & Country Club in Belfast.
The event starts at 6:30pm with a buffet supper and wine. Your chance to chat to RCVS Officers, local veterinary surgeons and nurses and practice managers in an informal environment. Lynne Hill will begin Question Time with a short welcome and presentation at 7:30pm. It's then over to you at 7:45pm as the panel, with Lynne Hill taking on the role of David Dimbleby, answers your questions on a range of current veterinary topics. The evening will finish at approximately 10pm.
The topics for discussion on the night will include the new medicines legislation, the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme, the new Veterinary Surgeons Act, the Professional Development Phase, 24-hour emergency cover and veterinary nurse training and future regulation.
Though these are the main items for discussion on the agenda, we welcome questions on any issue. If you have a question or questions you would like to pose to the panel, download the invitation below, complete the postage-paid reply slip, post it or alternatively fax it to Danielle van den Berg on 020 7202 0740. If you are unable to attend the meeting but have a question you would like discussed on the night, please complete the reply slip as we will table your question and a full report of the meeting will be available on the website a few weeks after the meeting. For reports of previous meetings, visit the Regional Question Times page.
This new format for Regional Meetings proved very successful when it was first tried in May at the Regional Meetings in Aberdeen and Newcastle. We hope it will be well received in Northern Ireland and encourage veterinary surgeons to bring any member of their practice who is interested in attending. Personalised invitations have been sent to all vets and vet nurses in Northern Ireland but all members of the practice, including veterinary nurse students, are very welcome.
It is essential to reserve a place. Therefore, if you are interested in attending please either complete the reply slip or contact Danielle van den Berg in the External Affairs department on 020 7202 0766.