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New RCVS Charter moves a step closer
14 March 2014
At its March meeting, RCVS Council agreed to revised proposals for a new Charter, which brings the likelihood of this historic development a step closer.
The changes, which reflect responses to a consultation, give greater clarity on the role of the College in post-registration education and training, the provision of information services and the monitoring of developments in the profession.
A final draft will be discussed by Council at its June meeting, with a resolution being put before the AGM in July, before the progress of the Charter moves to a phase of consideration by the Privy Council.
All being well, the new Charter would be sealed and operative by March 2015.
Staff engagement
Also at the meeting, Chief Executive Nick Stace presented the headline results of the College’s second staff engagement survey:
“Research suggests that organisations with engaged staff are more productive, have lower levels of absenteeism and exhibit reduced staff churn,” said Nick.
“Ensuring our staff are clear about our purpose, and rate the College as a ‘Great Place to Work’, is not just so that we have a warm and cosy feeling: it’s important to our customers: the profession and the public.”
The results showed some improvements since last year, with better scores on management’s communication, leadership’s approachability and their words matching actions, and on fair pay (we carried out a salary benchmarking exercise last year).
The results also showed positive change in terms of the issue of bullying between Council members and staff.
“Last year I was very unhappy to hear that 37% of staff felt that bullying or harassment had been a problem,” said Nick.
“This has now fallen to 17%, albeit with a slightly changed emphasis in the question which may account for some of the change.
"That’s better, but it’s still not good. Staff and Council will be working hard to remove bullying wherever it may exist.
"We will also be looking to improve in other areas identified as needing some focus, such as staff training, development and recognition,” he added.
Fellowship consultation
Council also agreed in principle to working party recommendations for a new-style Fellowship, which will shortly go out for a two-month consultation period with the profession and the public.
The proposals address the future of the Fellowship and new routes to expand it, and consider the ‘learned society’ concept.
Registration Regulations
The College’s Registration Regulations were also considered, with a view to “reducing bureaucracy and being less draconian,” according to Registrar Gordon Hockey. Council approved the suggestion that veterinary surgeons would, in the future, be able to select which address was published in the Register, rather than this having to be a work address.
The paper also considered fees for restoration to the Register, the mechanism by which members are refunded money which may be owed to them, and whether the requirement for annual confirmation of registration details should be maintained.
The revised draft regulations will go to the Privy Council for its consideration in due course, with the aim of the new regulations being in force in time for the 2015 registration renewal round.
Council also agreed to ‘conditional’ approval status for the University of Adelaide’s veterinary degree, and continued approval for the degree from the University of Melbourne.
Other decisions
Also at the meeting, Dr Bradley Viner was elected Vice-President, Professor Stuart Reid President and Col Neil Smith Vice-President (pending his re-election), all effective from RCVS Day on 11 July 2014.
On the same date, David Catlow will take over as Chair of Standards Committee (pending his re-election); Chris Tufnell was reconfirmed as Chair of Education Committee for 2014-5.
Reports were also heard by Council from the Chairs of the Audit and Risk, Standards, Education, Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Committees.
Find out more
This press release is a summary only: more detail about these topics, and other issues discussed at Council, will be available in the minutes in due course. You can also read the papers for the Council meeting.
See also the March issue of RCVS News.