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- Dr Sam Bescoby
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New identity for RCVS Veterinary Nursing Awarding Body
9 October 2006
A new identity (pictured right) has been unveiled for the RCVS Veterinary Nursing Awarding Body, with the aim of distinguishing it from the RCVS's veterinary nursing regulatory function.
It is important that the Awarding Body (AB), which has responsibility for delivery of the VN NVQ awards, has a distinct identity. This was particularly highlighted by last year's independent review of the AB, which uncovered some confusion about its role and remit. The new identity will help to communicate the differences more clearly.
"The logo is based on the bird being held by St Francis on the veterinary nursing badge, and we hope it gives a fresh, positive feel, while maintaining some traditional links," explains RCVS Head of Communications Lizzie Lockett.
The new identity, which has been developed in-house, will see its first public airing at BVNA Congress. All delegates are welcome to the joint Lantra/RCVS open-house at Lantra Headquarters from 11am to 3pm on Saturday 14 October, to have their questions answered on a range of subjects, from the new non-statutory Register through compulsory CPD to sources of funding for VN training.