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MMI to focus on moral injury, OCD and PTSD at BSAVA Congress 2024
28 February 2024
Our Mind Matters Initiative will be bringing important conversations around moral stress, moral injury and psychological safety, as well as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2024, taking place from 21 to 23 March 2024, at the Manchester Central Convention Complex, Manchester.
The first Mind Matters stream, taking place on Thursday 21 March from 10:30 to 17:00, is being held as part of the Wellbeing Programme, and will be centred around moral stress, moral injury, and psychological safety. The stream includes a mix of sessions, such as an introductive talk on the concepts of moral stress and injury, an introduction to veterinary mental health charity Vetlife, and a panel discussion exploring the role of ethical conversations in supporting yourself and your colleagues to navigate challenging events and experiences.
The second stream will take place on Friday 22 March from 09:10 to 17:40 and will be centred around obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this time as part of the BSAVA Scientific Programme. In this stream, delegates will explore the science behind OCD and PTSD and their impacts. As well as specific informative talks, this stream also includes two panel discussions centring around lived experience and workplace support for both OCD and PTSD.
In addition to our two Mind Matters streams, we will also be hosting three other sessions. One as part of the Primary Care Nursing stream, entitled ‘The past, present and future of RVNs’, which will be taking place in the Exchange Auditorium on Saturday 23 March. The other two will be held as part of the Exhibitor-Led CPD stream. The first of these sessions, entitled ‘An introduction to the 2024 extra-mural studies (EMS) policy and RCVS national EMS booking database’, will be held on Thursday 21 March, and the second ‘Enhancing the clinical career pathways for the veterinary profession’, on Saturday 23 March. Both of these sessions will be held in the Exhibition Theatre.
Speaking about the Mind Matters streams, new MMI Lead, Rapinder Newton, said: “When it comes to MMI, it is important that our work centres around the science, and that we are able to provide evidence-based information which will help to have a positive impact on the mental wellbeing of the professions.
“For BSAVA Congress, we have chosen two very specific themes for each of our streams, which both link into our new strategy which was published towards the end of last year.
“Firstly, we know there is a problem within the professions when it comes to moral stress and injury as shown by one of the research projects funded by our Sarah Brown Mental Health research grant back in 2020. There are also a lot of conversations in general surrounding this topic at the moment, for example, with the ban on XL bullies and the potential impacts that this could be having on the professions.
“Secondly, again, as part of our strategy, we are aiming to go beyond simply addressing wellbeing and delve deeper into the impacts of mental illness on those working in the veterinary professions. We are aiming to raise awareness of mental health conditions by providing expert evidence-based information in order to remove the stigma which still, sadly, is often attached to this.
“By delving into the science behind OCD and PTSD and bringing in clinical experts to talk about these topics, as well as integrating the stories of those with lived experience, we hope to challenge people’s potential misconceptions and widen the conversations around mental health, to ultimately improve the experiences of those experiencing these conditions and to help strengthen the workforce as a whole.”
The Mind Matters 5-year Strategy can be accessed on the Mind Matters resource page. For more on the findings of the Sarah Brown Research Project into moral injury within the veterinary professions, a summary of the talk given by researcher Dr Victoria Williamson can be found in the write up of our Mind Matters Mental Health Research Symposium 2023 on the Mind Matters resource page, as well as a video of the talk.
If you are currently experiencing mental health challenges, there are many sources of support which you can reach out to: Vetlife is there for you 24/7 and can be reached on: 0303 040 2551, Samaritans also provide 24/7 support and can be reached on 116 123 or by emailing [email protected]. You can also contact your local GP or call NHS 111. If you are in crisis ring 999 or visit your local A&E department.
For more information on our activities at BSAVA, including a full break down of session times and locations, please visit the RCVS BSAVA Congress page.