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Latest updates from the future-focused VN Vision events

28 June 2024

As part of the new VN Vision event series, which is bringing together veterinary nurses to explore aspirations for the future of the veterinary nursing profession, a VN Vision afternoon workshop was held on Thursday 20 June at the RCVS Veterinary Nursing Education Committee (VNEC) meeting, at the Royal College of Nursing, London.

Having now held two open VN Vision events, one in Belfast and one in Edinburgh, which have been advertised widely for members of the veterinary nursing profession to attend, the VNEC workshop had a more targeted focus specifically on the future of veterinary nursing education.

As well as more general discussions surrounding education, conversations around the following topics were also encouraged from the members of the Committee:

  • Considerations around how veterinary healthcare may evolve and the RVN’s role within this.
  • How we can help to ensure that VN education is fit for the future.
  • Potential changes we would like to see in terms of levels of qualifications for RVNs.
  • How education will need to respond to greater autonomy in veterinary nursing.
  • The impact of practice culture, and preparedness of nurses for practice.
  • Selection criteria and interview methods for potential veterinary nurse students.

The workshop was led by VN Futures Project Lead, Jill Macdonald. About the workshop and the VN Vision event series as a whole, Jill said: "The overarching aim of the VN Vision events is to gain as many views and perspectives as possible on the future of the veterinary nursing profession. The VNEC has a clear focus, experience, and expertise in veterinary nursing education, so is a particularly useful cohort to feed into this work.

"All of our VN Vision events so far have been fantastic, with real ingenuity, hope and positivity being expressed for the future of the profession."

"All of our VN Vision events so far have been fantastic, with real ingenuity, hope and positivity being expressed for the future of the profession. Our next VN Vision event, which is open to all veterinary nursing professionals and students, is due to be held at Harper Adams University in Shropshire, on Thursday 11 July and we will be holding further events throughout the year, both online and in person. We look forward to welcoming as many nurses as possible to feed into this important work, and sharing the outcomes of the events in due course."

For more information about the VN Vision event at Harper Adams, and to book your place, visit our dedicated events page.  

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