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- Extra-mural studies fit for the future
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- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses
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June Council meeting summary
10 June 2014
At its 5 June meeting, our Council agreed in principal to changes to the supporting guidance of the Code of Professional Conduct regarding 24/7 emergency care and to put the brakes on a decision regarding the removal of all postnominals from the RCVS Register of Members.
Also at the meeting, Council agreed to the 2013 Annual Report and Financial Statements, which is this year in a new format – the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting and Reporting by Charities (SORP 2005) – on the recommendation of the Audit and Risk Committee. The Annual Report will be available to download shortly from our publications section.
In addition, Council agreed a freeze on retention fees for both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses for 2015 – the fifth year in a row, and an effective decrease over this period of over £40 for veterinary surgeons.
Council also agreed to an amended version of the proposed new Royal Charter, which will now go to the AGM on 11 July 2014 for endorsement by members.
Governance review
Nearly a year on from the introduction of the new Operational Board and other governance changes designed to streamline decision-making, Council took the opportunity to review how this new structure was working. It agreed that, going forward, the Operational Board would appoint members of all committees and that papers for Council meetings should include minutes of all committee meetings.
Council also agreed that the Operational Board should take responsibly for registration matters, which are currently within the remit of the Standards Committee. Terms of reference for the Audit and Risk, Specialist Recognition Appeals and Standards Committees will be revised.
Whether the Education Committee should be responsible for all decisions on the recognition of registerable degrees (as opposed to Council in its entirety) will be discussed further at the November meeting of Council.
Registration Regulations
The planned discussion on updated Registration Regulations was postponed until the November meeting, as feedback is awaited from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
Alternative dispute resolution
Council agreed to the trial of an alternative dispute resolution service to start before the end of the year. The service will help the College to deal with complaints which, while they do not give rise to issues of serious professional misconduct, may have some substance.
The trial will be carried out with Ombudsman Services and will focus on concerns relating to small animals received by the Professional Conduct Department. It will be limited to no more than 150 cases at a cost not to exceed £120,000.
Risk Register
Council discussed and approved an updated Risk Register. The Risk Register is confidential.
Practice Standard Scheme update
Council gave approval for the general direction of travel of the review of the Practice Standards Scheme, including a new modular framework; an IT system that would be available to all practices, not just those in the Scheme; new training and assessment for inspectors; and increased practice fees to cover these developments.
Other Council business
Also at the meeting, Amanda Boag was elected Treasurer, a post she will take up at RCVS Day on 11 July.
Reports were also presented from the Audit and Risk, Education, Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Liaison, Standards, Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Committees, and the Veterinary Nurses Council.
Finally, on behalf of Council, President Neil Smith gave thanks to retiring Council members Christine Shield, Peter Robinson, Clare Tapsfield-Wright and Caroline Freedman, also thanking Peter Lees, in his absence.
This news article is a summary only: more detail about these topics, and other issues discussed at Council, will be available in the minutes in due course.
See also the June issue of RCVS News, or watch CEO Nick Stace’s video update at www.youtube.com/rcvsvideos.