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Gangmasters Licensing Authority publish guidance for vet practices
10 April 2013
We would like to draw to veterinary practices’ attention the Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA)’s guidance for practices, published recently.
The GLA guidance confirms that veterinary services which have to be provided by a qualified veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse fall outside the scope of the licensing.
Also outside the licensing’s scope are activities carried out by other people (non-qualified staff) working under veterinary direction, if they are carried out as part of delivering a service to maintain or improve the health of livestock.
We have worked with the GLA to ensure the guidance includes realistic examples of such activities, and that this list of examples does not restrict veterinary surgeons from using paraprofessionals for other appropriate tasks.
The guidance also highlights that, in delegating tasks to paraprofessionals, the directing veterinary surgeon is responsible for making sure appropriate training and monitoring is provided.
The full guidance can be found on the GLA website (GLA Brief, Issue 25).
If you have any questions, or need further information about, the GLA licensing scheme, the GLA Helpdesk can be contacted on 0845 602 5020 or [email protected].