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Demonstration against the RCVS
20 June 2002
A demonstration by the "Action Group Against the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons" was held outside the RCVS premises yesterday (Wednesday 19 June 2002).
About ten demonstrators were present, wishing to highlight their unhappiness with the College's disciplinary procedures in general and its handling of complaints against four of its members in particular. The RCVS was already aware of some discontentment with the decisions that had been made in these cases.
A number of RCVS Officers and members of the Preliminary Investigation Committee were at Belgravia House at the time of the demonstration and were happy to take time out to talk to the demonstrators and listen to their concerns.
Junior Vice President, Stephen Ware, said, "The RCVS is sympathetic to distressed animal owners who are concerned about the way in which a veterinary surgeon has treated their animal. We are always disappointed when complainants feel the need to complain about the College."
Although the RCVS investigates all complaints that it receives, it acknowledges that in any disciplinary system there will inevitably be some who feel aggrieved if a decision goes against them.
On average, the RCVS receives about 800 complaints against veterinary surgeons annually, so this demonstration reflected dissatisfaction with only 0.5% of the decisions made under the College's disciplinary procedures.