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Could you host a tea party for the Trust?
16 March 2010
The RCVS Trust will take part in National Pet Month (3 April – 3 May) and is asking veterinary practices to put on ‘Alice in Wonderland’ themed fundraising events.
“The Trust aims to improve the health and well-being of dogs, cats, and other popular household pets and over the past five years has put nearly £900,000 into this cause,” says Cherry Bushell, RCVS Trust Director. “As a small charity we do rely on our supporters – and National Pet Month is a good opportunity to raise money and have fun.”
Why Alice in Wonderland as a theme? “The Trust supports curiosity and a sense of wonder,” says Cherry. “So we came up with the Alice in Wonderland idea – which is topical and also has lots of scope for fundraising and publicity.”
If you’d enjoy hosting a Mad Hatter’s tea party – or raffling off the Queen of Heart’s tarts – then why not register with National Pet Month and take part. Further information and a free events pack can be obtained from the National Pet Month website.
National Pet Month runs from 3 April – 3 May. It aims to promote responsible pet ownership, make people aware of the mutual benefits of living with pets, increase public awareness of the role of pet care specialists and raise awareness of the value of working and assistance companion animals.