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Comments sought on proposed CertAVP changes
15 March 2012
We are seeking comments on proposed changes to the key skills modules in the Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice, which has now been in place for five years.
The proposed changes, which would involve a slight change to the qualification structure, draw both on our experience so far of the award’s operation and on feedback from candidates.
We propose to introduce a new 10-credit A module ‘Foundations of Veterinary Practice’ which will include most of the learning outcomes currently found in modules A-PKS (15 credits) and B-CKS (5 credits).
The aim of the new module is to make the learning outcomes related to core professional and clinical skills more explicit and coherent. It would not cover practice management and business skills - these subjects would become optional, in the form of a new C module.
We are most keen to learn the views of veterinary surgeons already enrolled on the CertAVP, and from those who are thinking of applying.
Drafts of the proposed revised “A” module and the proposed new CertAVP structure are available to read on our website via www.rcvs.org.uk/consultations, and then there is a short survey to complete.
Any changes to the structure of the qualification would need to be reflected in revised bye-laws which would, in turn, need to be approved by Council.
The survey will be available to complete until Wednesday, 11 April 2012.