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Colin Whiting resigns from RCVS Council
15 June 2022
Dr Colin Whiting MRCVS, who was elected to RCVS Council in 2021, has this week [Monday 13 June 2022] announced his decision to resign from his position on Council with immediate effect.
During the first year of what would ordinarily be a four-year term, Colin has served on the College’s Education Committee, PIC/DC Liaison Committee [see notes], and on the Advancement of the Professions Committee as Council Deputy Lead for the ViVet innovation programme.
Colin said: “My decision follows Council’s approval of a ‘How we work’ statement at its June meeting, which includes a requirement for Council members to support externally all decisions taken by Council, which I cannot accept.
“Nevertheless, may I wish the ongoing leadership team, my colleagues on Council, and all the staff at RCVS the very best for the future. It has been my privilege to meet many passionate, determined and very hardworking colleagues during my short time on Council, who are seeking to progress and support our profession very admirably indeed.”
On behalf of my colleagues on Council, I should like to thank Colin for standing for election, and for his contributions to the College’s work and activities since then.
Dr Kate Richards, RCVS President
RCVS President Dr Kate Richards said: “We were sorry to learn that Colin has decided to step down from Council, but understand that this was his personal decision and one that he has considered carefully and taken time to make.
“Council’s position on collective responsibility for its members has been in place for a number of years in the RCVS Code of Conduct for Council Members in order to enable the College to function effectively.
“All RCVS Presidents, whose responsibility it is to chair Council meetings, encourage robust yet respectful debate and divergent views during discussions. However, once a vote is held and a decision made, it is now Council members’ collective responsibility to respect and support that decision.
“On behalf of my colleagues on Council, I should like to thank Colin for standing for election, and for his contributions to the College’s work and activities since then.”
Under the rules set out in the RCVS Election Scheme, the newly vacant position on Council has since been offered to the candidate who received the next highest number of votes during the same election in 2021.
Veterinary surgeon Will Wilkinson MRCVS has now formally accepted this offer. He will sit on Council for the remainder of the existing four-year term, namely, until July 2025, and be eligible to stand for re-election thereafter.
We will publish further information about Will on our website in due course.