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AI Roundtable report published
19 August 2024
Today, Monday 19 August 2024, we published a report of our recent AI Roundtable, where over 100 people gathered to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the veterinary sector, with a view to developing guidance on its appropriate use.
The Roundtable took place on Monday 20 May 2024 at the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), London, drawing together representatives from veterinary associations, educational institutions technology companies, and practising veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and students, as well as participants from other professional regulators and the public sector.
Using a mix of presentations, plenary sessions, and small group discussions, the aim of the day was to gauge how AI was currently being used in the sector (in clinical practice, research and education), and to begin the process of developing some key principles and guidelines for the professions on how AI should be used in a way that mitigated the risks, maximised the benefits and ensured that the role of the veterinary professional remained paramount.
The full report of the day, including presentations, panel discussions, and the results of group discussions, can be downloaded on our publications page.
RCVS CEO Lizzie Lockett, who chaired the Roundtable, said: “Thank you to everyone who came to the event and contributed to a series of fascinating talks and discussions on this very important topic. AI so often looms like a large but indistinct spectre over the future, so it was important to actually get to the bottom of people’s fears and concerns, understand the potential benefits of AI for clinical and educational outcomes, and discuss how AI use fits within the broader regulatory picture.
“The clear feeling from the room on the day was that any action the RCVS takes to regulate the use of AI in the veterinary sector would need to emphasise that the veterinary professional should ultimately remain responsible for clinical decision-making and the delivery of veterinary care. AI is another tool in the veterinary toolbox, but there should always be a ‘human in the loop’."
“The clear feeling from the room on the day was that any action the RCVS takes to regulate the use of AI in the veterinary sector would need to emphasise that the veterinary professional should ultimately remain responsible for clinical decision-making and the delivery of veterinary care. AI is another tool in the veterinary toolbox, but there should always be a ‘human in the loop’.
“As a regulator we are now working to identify specific actions we can take to regulate veterinary AI and ensure it is used appropriately and transparently. This may include changes to the Codes of Professional Conduct, changes to vet school accreditation standards and day one competences for new graduates, recognising the need for training and culture change around the adoption of new technologies, and better understanding any concerns the public may have around AI use in veterinary clinical settings.”
Download the full report on our publications page.
Want to help get the veterinary voice on AI heard?
As a professional body, we are a member of the Professional Associations Research Network (PARN), a not-for-profit membership organisation for professional bodies. PARN offers expertise, experience and perspective on key issues in the sector through research, bespoke services, networking, events and training. It has around 100 professional association and regulatory body members from the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia, and represents a wide range of professions, from healthcare to law and engineering, to public services and education.
We are part of a group within PARN who is currently looking to gather views from members of professional bodies on AI in order to compare and contrast responses from different sectors. To do this we are conducting a short survey.
You can find out more and complete the survey via PARN’s snap surveys portal.
Please note that the deadline for completion is Monday 23 September 2024.