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625 VNs removed from List/Register for non-payment
1 February 2013
Please note that this article is now archived and the list of veterinary nurses removed is no longer available to download. The veterinary nurses listed might have since paid their fees, been restored to the Register and permitted to resume veterinary nursing activities. You are advised to check the RCVS Register to determine the current Register status of any RCVS member.
We have written to 625 veterinary nurses (VNs) whose names were removed from the RCVS List of Veterinary Nurses (incorporating the Register) for non-payment of fees.
Those VNs who have not received a 2013 (R)VN Card should check online to ensure they remain registered/listed
Receipts and (R)VN cards have been sent to those whose fees have been paid and whose names remain on the List/Register.
We would ask those VNs who have not received a receipt and (R)VN card for 2013 to check online to ensure they remain registered/listed, and to contact us if unclear about their status.
Employers are also advised to check that the VNs they employ remain on the Register/List, as those who are neither listed nor registered are not legally permitted to carry out minor surgery or medical treatment under Schedule 3 to the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
A list of VNs removed for non-payment is available to assist with these checks.
Although we have written to the VNs who have been removed, it is likely that some of these nurses have not told us about changes to their addresses.
Consequently, these VNs may not receive letters, and may not have received the previous fee reminders we've sent.
The deadline for payment of fees to remain on the RCVS List of Veterinary Nurses was 1 November 2012, although we continued to accept fees until 31 December.