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Developing Guidelines to Support Neurodivergent Students on Veterinary Placements:
Stakeholder Event
Friday, 14 June 2024, 09:00am - 4:30pm, The View, 6th Floor, The Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London
Event Overview
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) is collaborating with veterinary school faculty to develop good practice in supporting the well-being and academic success of neurodivergent students in veterinary education.
As part of this work, we are holding an event for students and key stakeholders in the education of veterinary professionals and the provision of student work–based learning and placements. The aim of the event is to develop guidelines to optimise the experience of neurodivergent veterinary students and veterinary nursing students. We particularly wish to invite students and professionals with lived neurodivergent experience to contribute to this event which will be inclusive and accessible.
The event is open to the following groups:
- Neurodivergent veterinary students and veterinary nursing students over 18 years studying in the UK. Students do no need to have a formal diagnosis or be UK nationals to attend.
- Key stakeholders in veterinary education including lecturers, disability liaison officers, placement officers, student welfare support staff.
- EMS / IMR/ SVN placement and work-based learning providers including practice managers, veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, support staff and administrators.
This is a hybrid event, and delegates can choose to attend in person or on-line. It is expected that a maximum of 100 people will be attending. Please note that places are capped for both in-person and online attendance.
Event details
Before the event, attendees will be required to complete a small amount of pre-work. Some helpful information and resources will also be circulated.
Group discussions will be held over the course of the day, exploring key themes and questions. Delegates will be invited to share their opinions and ideas. You may be placed in groups according to your role (e.g. student, staff) or to provide mixed input in the session. The online group may also be grouped into smaller groups at key times. Exact details of the content and format of the group sessions will be confirmed to all delegates prior to the event.
Approximate timings for the event are as follows (these may change slightly but start and finish times will not):
Programme timings
- 09.00 - 09.30 Registration
- 09.30 - 10.00 Refreshments
- 10.00 - 10.30 Background and overview of the day
- 10.30 – 12.30 Group discussions
- 12.30 - 13.15 Lunch
- 13.15 – 15.15 Group discussions
- 15.15 – 15.30 Refreshments
- 15.30 – 16.30 Round up of discussions
Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
Accessibility and venue facilities
The event is designed to be inclusive and accessible and will be facilitated by the RCVS project team. Any special dietary requirements and accessibility needs will be catered for. Designated quiet areas will be available for delegates to use throughout the day. For further information about the venue and its facilities, please visit The View's webpage for details.
Registration can be completed through our Eventbrite page.
Places for the event are limited. Ten travel and accommodation bursaries will also be available for student delegates to apply for. Please see application form for further details.
If you have any questions about the event or the project, please contact the RCVS Advancement of the Professions Team.
Unable to attend the event on 14 June 2024.
If you are a neurodivergent student but are unable to attend the event on 14 June, please take the opportunity to share your views with us by completing this short questionnaire.
Have accessibility requirements been considered?
Every effort will be made to ensure the event is accessible and inclusive. If you have specific requirements, please let us know what these are when you book your place.
Will dietary requirements be catered for?
When you book there will be an opportunity to state any dietary requirements you have.
Is support available to meet travel and accommodation costs?
You can apply for a student bursary when you book your place.
Can I make suggestions for topics/questions to be discussed at the event?
Yes, we will provide details of how to do this in due course.
Will my registration and/or bursary application be treated confidentially?
Yes, information provided during the registration process will be treated confidentially and only accessed by RCVS staff members managing the event.
What preparation will be required by me?
Before the event, attendees will be required to undertake a small amount of preparation. Details of this will be circulated a few weeks ahead of the event.
Will my contributions on the day be treated confidentially?
During the event, information provided by speakers will be available and accessible to attendees. Contributions made by attendees during discussions will not be attributed. Individuals will not be identified.
Will the day be recorded?
The in-person session will not be recorded but there will be note-takers. The on-line session will be recorded for minuting. No comments will be directly attributed to individuals, but we may ask to follow up on specific areas. A photographer will be present but you will be able to indicate if you do not wish to be photographed for publicity and social media.