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MMI - Emotional Resilience Skills Training for the Veterinary Profession - Scottish Region - 2 February 2022

Date: Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Opening times: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Venue: Online - Zoom
This online course is part of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Mind Matters Initiative and is open to all members of the veterinary practice team.
The programme is a half-day programme from 10:00–13:00, and replaces the attendance CPD which was postponed due to Coronavirus, and will cover the seven BSAVA Regions who have not to date held one of these courses.
This programme is designed to equip participants with an understanding of the role emotional resilience plays in protecting our mental health. People with high resilience are less likely to develop clinical depression when faced with adversity in their life – and clinical depression is a major link to the risk of suicide.
Emotional resilience is mainly a learned behaviour, the chances are very high you initially reflected the resilience of your parents or early care givers. However, our level of resilience is not static, and we can take steps to increase our resilience and reduce our risk of developing mental health issues including clinical depression.
The programme is suitable for anyone who wishes to increase their own resilience and develop the ability to help others at work or at home. This course is designed for the whole practice team. Participants work in groups and no personal disclosures are necessary – although participants are welcome to discuss private issues after the programme.
This a joint meeting run in conjunction with RCVS Mind Matters Initiative and BSAVA. Speaker: Eddie Bannon - Two Roads Charity
- Understanding how Emotional Resilience protects
our wellbeing - Risk and Protective Factors in the veterinary profession
- How Emotional Resilience develops and how we can
learn to become more resilient - Understanding how pessimism is toxic for our families and our colleagues
Life Skills
- Active listening
- Strategy Mapping
- Using Viktor’s space to respond, not react
- Building personal social capital
- Look Listen Link model
BSAVA Members FREE, Non Member Vet £40 inc VAT
Please note payment must be made via Eventbrite at the time of booking, and we are unable to issue invoices.
- 10:00am - Course starts
- 1:00pm - Course finishes
This course can be counted towards your CPD.