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RCVS and VN Councils elections now open: vote by text, post or online
9 March 2012
The RCVS and RCVS Veterinary Nurses Councils elections open today, and ballot papers will shortly be received by all veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses eligible to vote.
Votes must be received by 5pm on Friday, 27 April 2012 and, as in previous years, can be cast online, by post, or by text message.
RCVS Council
A record number of veterinary surgeons – 14 – are contesting six seats in the RCVS Council election.
Veterinary surgeons may each vote for up to six candidates to fill these seats, which fall vacant as elected Council members’ terms of office expire at the RCVS Annual General Meeting (6 July).
In 2012, five existing Council members are seeking re-election, and nine new candidates are standing.
Of the 42 RCVS Council members, four are appointed by the Privy Council, 14 by the veterinary schools and 24 by direct election; each member serves a four year term.
This year’s candidates are:
- Mr Christopher Barker BVSc MLitt CertVR MRCVS
- Ms Amanda Boag VetMB MA DipACVIM MRCVS
- Dr Robert ‘Bertie’ Ellis BVSc PhD MRCVS
- Mr Edward Gillams BVSc MRCVS
- Mrs Catherine Goldie BVSc MVM CertVR MRCVS
- Mr Charles Gruchy VetMB MA MRCVS
- Mr Christopher House BVetMed MRCVS
- Dr Barry Johnson BVSc DVSc (h.c.) MRCVS
- Mr Thomas Lonsdale BVetMed MRCVS
- Mr David Mason BVetMed MRCVS
- Prof Stephen May VetMB MA PhD DEO DVR DipECVS FRCVS
- Dr Jonathan Ruben BVM&S PhD MRCVS
- Mr Richard Stephenson BVMS CertVR CertEP MRCVS
- Dr Christopher ‘Kit’ Sturgess MA VetMB PhD CertVR CertVC DSAM MRCVS
VN Council
Three veterinary nurses are standing in the VN Council election, and VNs may vote for up to two candidates to fill the two available seats. One candidate is a current member of the RCVS VN Council seeking re-election.
Of the 17 members comprising RCVS VN Council, eight are elected veterinary nurses, six are veterinary surgeon members (including three from RCVS Council), and there is one Lantra representative and two lay members. Each elected VN member is appointed for a four-year term.
This year’s candidates are:
- Mrs Elizabeth Figg REVN
- Mrs Katherine Kissick RVN
- Mr Philippe Ramboaniaina RVN
“If the number of candidates standing is a measure of interest in the elections, the turnout should be higher this year,” says Gordon Hockey, Acting Registrar of the RCVS.
“So please do read the candidates’ manifestos and vote – it’s your chance to say who you think the best people are for the job.”
Voting instructions and candidate manifestos are enclosed with the ballot papers; candidates voting by text or online will need the two-part security code from this paper.
Any veterinary surgeon who has not received their ballot paper should contact Ian Holloway (020 7202 0727 [email protected]) for an official duplicate; veterinary nurses missing their ballot papers should contact Annette Amato (020 7202 0713 [email protected]).
All votes must be received by 5pm on 27 April 2012.