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Perform a post mortem examination, including macroscopic description and appropriate sampling


Perform a post mortem examination relevant to your role, including accurate recording of macroscopic description and sampling for further investigations including histopathology and microbiology.

Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose of the post mortem examination and ensure adequate health and safety precautions are observed. Ensure an adequate history is obtained and considered prior to starting the post mortem, and that attention is given to consistent methods for examination of the carcass using knowledge of anatomy.

Recording of relevant macroscopic findings and appropriate sampling and preservation of tissues and fluids to allow confirmation of diagnosis if required.

Demonstrate required knowledge of the cost benefit of further diagnostic tests. Demonstrate knowledge of common post mortem artefacts, pathological changes and actions to be taken if notifiable or zoonotic disease suspected.

Aiming for... (Success criteria)

To have demonstrated expertise and proficiency in performing a post mortem examination across a range of different;

  1. animal species,
  2. clinical presentations,
  3. required outcomes from the examination (e.g. interest vs medico-legal) relevant to their role.  Including attention to health and safety of self and others, effective communication to colleagues, clients and competent authority.

To be able to demonstrate an understanding of own abilities and knowledge of when to request specialist advice.

Required competences

Veterinary capability

  • Clinical reasoning
  • Individual animal
  • One health / Public health
  • Animal population care & management

Reflective relationships

  • Communication
  • Collaboration