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- Extra-mural studies fit for the future
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Information for VetGDP Advisers
VetGDP Advisers offer support to veterinary graduates and vets returning to the UK practising register after a period of time away. If you’re a vet who has been on the UK-practising register for at least three years and can offer structured, ongoing support, then becoming a VetGDP Adviser could be right for you.
Access the free RCVS VetGDP Adviser e-learning course
This short animation covers what you need to know about the VetGDP Adviser role, including how to get started. Beneath this, you will find a checklist providing straightforward guidance to help you get started with VetGDP.
Video Transcript
New graduates must be employed in a VetGDP Approved Graduate Development Practice or Workplace, which includes having at least one VetGDP Adviser who has completed the online training and agreed to support the graduate.
This step-by-step guide shows you how.
The Veterinary Graduate Development Programme – VetGDP - helps new graduates develop their professional and clinical capabilities.
When graduates start their first role as a qualified vet they will enrol onto the VetGDP.
VetGDP Advisers play a central role in the programme, supporting graduates become fully competent, confident and independent veterinary surgeons, setting them up for a long and fulfilling career.
If you’ve been on the UK practising register for at least three years, you could become a VetGDP Adviser.
We’ll provide online training to prepare you, which counts towards your CPD.
The online learning is available to all eligible vets; even if you don’t plan on becoming a VetGDP Adviser, you may find the learning valuable in contributing towards the development of graduates in your workplace.
As a VetGDP Adviser you commit to supporting new graduates’ professional development.
The graduate should let you know which areas they need support with, and you should approach them regularly to check if you can support them in any way.
This support might include asking for advice on clinical consultations or feedback on a case, and scheduling monthly meetings to obtain feedback and discuss your development.
Graduates will record their progress through the VetGDP in their e-portfolio.
As their VetGDP Adviser, you will have access to their e-portfolio to add your feedback on cases or the discussions you have together.
At the start of the programme, you and your graduate will meet to review which activities, known as Entrustable Professional Activities (or EPAs), are relevant to their role – you’ll find more information on our website.
Your graduate will upload them into their e-portfolio where they will record their progress with each activity.
Your graduate must demonstrate that they can perform all activities within their role without support – that they have become a competent, confident vet.
Your graduate should agree with you when the time is right to submit their e-portfolio to the RCVS for peer review and sign off.
We expect it to take around one year, but it may take less or more time than this.
Need further help? Feel free to get in touch.
Find out more about becoming a VetGDP Adviser
- If you're a vet with a minimum of three years on the UK practising register, you're eligible to become a VetGDP Adviser. Before you sign up, ensure your employer is supportive of your decision and agrees to give you protected time with your graduate(s) as they progress through the programme.
- Complete the online training. Other members of the veterinary team may also find it useful to complete the online training, even if they do not plan on becoming a VetGDP Adviser, as they may also provide some support to graduates in the team.
- Complete the VetGDP Adviser declaration (once you have done this, your employer must complete the declaration for their practice).
- Ensure your graduate completes their declaration.
- At the start of the VetGDP, meet with your graduate to discuss and review the Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) that are relevant to their role. Your graduate will then be responsible for adding them to their e-portfolio.
- You can find guidance on how to use the e-portfolio.
- Graduates can find guidance on how to use the e-portfolio.
- Meet regularly with your graduate as they progress through the programme. They should drive this process; however, if they haven’t been in contact for a while it’s worth checking in with them to find out if they need any support or feedback.
- The aim is to spend the equivalent of one hour per week supporting your graduate. This may vary during the programme and you may find they need more support as they begin their first role and less as they develop their confidence and competence.
- Graduates have up to 18 months to complete the VetGDP, with some taking less time depending on their developmental needs and the support they require.
- When the graduate feels they are ready to complete the programme, they should discuss this with you, and you should provide feedback to them in-person, as well as in their e-portfolio. You should decide together when the graduate is ready to submit their e-portfolio to the RCVS for peer review.
- If you have any queries along the way, please contact a member of the VetGDP team by emailing [email protected].