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Reasonable Adjustments campaign

Let's Talk Adjustments 

The RCVS has launched the Let’s Talk Adjustments campaign in partnership with the Mind Matters Initiative.

Let's Talk Adjustments aims to raise awareness and empower everyone in veterinary workplaces, no matter their role, disability or health condition, to have important conversations about reasonable adjustments.  

A young Black woman with a focused demeanour engages in conversation with a co-worker in a professional office setting.

Why we are running this campaign 

The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as a physical and/or mental health condition that has a substantial and long-term impact on a person’s ability to undertake normal daily activities. Reasonable adjustments are a requirement under the Act. They are changes that an employer must make to remove or reduce a disadvantage relating to an employee’s disability. 

Our recent ground-breaking survey with the British Veterinary Chronic Illness Society, Disability and Chronic Illness in Veterinary Work and Education (2024), showed a pressing need to talk about disability and the provision of support through reasonable adjustments in veterinary workplaces.   

Campaign aims 

The Let's Talk Adjustments campaign will:

  • Upskill managers to better support employees who need workplace adjustments.
  • Link employees to information and support designed to help them obtain the adjustments they need.
  • Provide organisations with resources and examples of good practice in implementing adjustments.*

The Let's Talk Adjustments campaign will run until July 2025, concluding in Disability Pride Month.

Next steps

In the months ahead, we'll be sharing a wealth of valuable content, including educational resources, veterinary case studies and guidance from experts. 

Look out for Let’s Talk Adjustments in the veterinary press, on social media and on the RCVS YouTube channel.


An East Asian man utilises sign language to interact through a laptop.We are beginning our campaign with a selection of curated resources aimed at raising awareness of disability and reasonable adjustments. Here you will find information on the following topics: 

* Please note: the Let's Talk Adjustments campaign does not provide legal advice. It is important to seek your own guidance regarding any specific matters related to reasonable adjustments.