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Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion


Leadership is practiced everyday by professionals in different roles across the veterinary sector. Self-reflection and the development of leadership skills are important aspects of continuing veterinary education, helping to build future leadership capacity within the professions.

In the Leadership Library, you'll discover a range of curated resources on key topics designed to support your leadership development.  

Opportunities to learn about leadership are also available on the RCVS Academy.

For more information on RCVS Leadership initiatives, please email [email protected]

Diversity and Inclusion

Let's Talk Adjustments 

A female vet examines a brown daschund in a clinical setting We’re excited to announce the launch of Let’s Talk Adjustments, our new campaign raising awareness and understanding of reasonable adjustments in veterinary practices and workplaces.

Under the Equality Act 2010, all employers must make adjustments to ensure people with disabilities are not disadvantaged.

Let’s Talk Adjustments will inspire you to make positive changes in your practice, supporting individual team members and creating a more inclusive and positive environment for everyone.

Find out more

The RCVS is committed to helping create veterinary professions where everyone can flourish, whoever they are. 

Our work focuses on improving recruitment and retention, widening access, and engendering culture change to ensure the professions are more diverse and inclusive.  

Here are some examples of recent projects, initiatives and campaigns:

You can find more information about the RCVS Diversity and Inclusion Group and our current strategy below

Training on diversity and inclusion topics can be found on the RCVS Academy